Norman’s War

Browsing through Norman Podhoretz's latest book, Why Are Jews Liberals? (read non-neocon leftists), I was struck by a series of misleading facts starting around page 224. According to Pod's authorized version of THE TRUTH, certified by the neoconservative hangers-on who blurbed his book, Jews ...

The Bad Old Days

Having just seen the film Julie and Julia, based on a book by Julie Powell and a screen play by Nora Ephron, I"€™ve certain unanswered questions about some of the historical details that went into the plot. Of the two main characters, the more interesting by far is the longtime interpreter of ...

The Politics of Guilt

Recently while talking to a "€œmoderate"€ conservative and faithful NR reader, I was struck by this person's profoundly negative view of the past, including the recent past. When I mentioned research by Thomas Sowell in the late 1970s proving that American blacks had made greater economic ...

FOX News Girls Have More Fun!

Kirsten Powers, the photogenic FOX News regular and New York Post syndicated columnist (who says neocon favorites can"€™t have it all?) has been fuming lately about the evil chauvinists who have been going after Sarah Palin. Like several other FOX regulars, Kirsten wants a "€œsummit on ...


and Sanford-phobia Am I hallucinating; or has Neocon Central, that is, FOXNews and its NY Post-affiliate, been working overtime to secure the presidential nomination of Sarah Palin? From the very moment Sarah announced her goofy decision, on July 3, to step down as Alaska governor before her term ...

The “€œValues”€ Fetish

Pardon me for not being able to figure this one out, but the furor over Mark Sanford, who has apparently ruined his political future by pursuing his lover to Argentina, has left me uneasy. Although Sanford certainly blundered, his mistake had less to do with his erotic energy than with his handling ...

Who You Callin”€™ a Conservative?

A recent syndicated column by Thomas Sowell "€œRepublicans in the Wilderness"€ includes useful advice but also misleading conclusions. According to Sowell, while "€œRepublican moderates"€ Bob Dole and John McCain "€œlost disastrously to Democrats,"€ Republicans who have stood their ...

The Faileocons

We are all entitled our memories, but Charles Coulombe's reminiscences about the American conservative movement are very different from mine. Although his recollections are not incorrect, they are excessively selective. Charles is looking from the perspective of the late 1970s back to the 1950s and ...

Righteous Zeal and the Killing of George Tiller

The recent slaying of the "€œabortion provider"€ George Tiller at Sunday services in his Lutheran congregation in Wichita, Kansas, has led to a heated discussion on this website and elsewhere about Tiller's much-publicized death. Curiously, Richard Spencer, who has expressed minimal opposition ...

Social Conservative Porn

One must be a person without discernible intelligence or conservative inclination to be allowed to write for the New York Times as a "€œconservative"€ columnist. Otherwise someone would not likely be picked to represent the "€œother side"€ by a publication that makes cultural Marxists ...