No Biggie, Just the End of Civilisation

Whatever you had planned to do for the rest of the day, please drop it and read this right now: Heather Mac Donald's new book, When Race Trumps Merit: How the Pursuit of Equity Sacrifices Excellence, Destroys Beauty, and Threatens Lives. It seems that in the hysteria that followed George Floyd's ...

Port of St. Tropez

How to Bribe the Supreme Court

Having failed to destroy Clarence Thomas 32 years ago with preposterous sexual harassment charges (disbelieved at the time by 60% of Americans), now the left is resorting to attacking the ethics of a man vastly more honorable than the collection of degenerates reviling him. The sole purpose of the ...

The New Baby-Killers

Extremists have got to learn to take half a loaf. Just like the cheap labor-demanding GOP donors, pro-lifers need to be told: You can't get everything you want. If Republicans give you this, they'll lose their jobs, and the people who'll replace them want you dead. Unlike a lot of people ...

Who Really Cares About Dead Kids?

We've heard a lot lately about how Republicans don't care about dead kids -- just keep your hands off their guns! The bullhorn insurrection staged by Tennessee legislators, for example, was justified on the grounds that they were JUST TRYING TO SAVE CHILDREN'S LIVES!!! As MSNBC's Lawrence ...

Expel them Again

The vote to expel two Democrats from the Tennessee House of Representatives last week reminds us of one of the immutable laws of politics: Whenever Democrats accuse anyone of racism, demand to see the videotape. Hey -- remember the 2016 racist bus attack on three black coeds at the University at ...

You’re Being Played, Republicans!

A few years ago, I posted this riddle on Twitter: What's easier to roll than an Easter egg? Answer: Donald Trump. Now, I can add: What's easier to roll than Donald Trump? Answer: Republican voters. Democrats are playing Republicans like a fiddle. The left's sole objective is to make Trump the ...

Transgender Nation

Talk about bad luck! What are the odds of the Nashville school shooter being a transgendered person who is ALSO mentally ill? Arguably, there were hints. In a form of modern Lysenkoism, young transgenders overwhelmingly come from homes with signs that say: "In This House, We Believe: Black Lives ...

Ron DeSantis

Heavy D Don’t Tweet, He Acts

Isn't it great to have the media complaining about what a Republican is doing, instead of what he's tweeting? The New York Times recently did a major investigation into Gov. Ron DeSantis' suspension last August of a Florida prosecutor for the flimsy reason that he'd publicly announced that he ...

Burning Questions, Even Hotter Answers

From time to time, my readers email me asking for my take on issues of the day. (This has happened twice.) I feel more obliged than usual to respond, now that we know that the rest of the media cannot state an opinion on anything until they figure out which side Trump is on. MSNBC: Trump is ...

My Draft DeSantis Presidential Announcement Speech

With Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis busy running the third-largest state, enacting a magnificently conservative agenda, promoting a new book, and having to respond to endless demands that he run for president (not to mention banning the words "gay" and "slavery" -- the man's a whirlwind of activity!), I ...