Beverly Hills, CA.

Meet the Foggers

This’ll be the final entry in my “Fog Trilogy”; totally different topic next week, I promise! Last week’s column was about how/why rightists “fog themselves.” This ...

We Need Immigration, Not Trump, At the Debate

Donald Trump, the least self-aware person in the country, at least seems to know that he's a terrible debater. He has the vocabulary of a kindergartener, strings words together in ...

Bad Choices

The betting odds say the next election will likely be a rematch between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. It's odd, since polls show most Americans don't like either man. There are ...

Exalted Failures Part II: Slow-Motion ‘Downfall’

This will conclude my apparent “Hitler Trilogy” (I say “apparent” because I didn’t plan it; it just kinda happened that way). I’ll lead off with a few observations ...

Ronald and Nancy Reagan, 1972

Debate Advice for Republicans: Issues, Not Oprah

As the first Republican debate approaches, I have an urgent appeal to the candidates: Please adopt the good things Donald Trump did and skip the catastrophic parts (i.e., ...

Republican Pledge: No More Talking About Trump

The media are so desperate for Republicans to nominate Donald Trump that they've turned over 96.7% of their programming to covering him, with brief interruptions for Emmett Till ...

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Camelot Cronies

Now that Robert F. Kennedy has declared his candidacy for America’s highest office, I can spill some beans about his family, having known many of them since before JFK became ...

Trump is the Media’s New David Duke

The media are so desperate to get Donald Trump the Republican presidential nomination that they're acting like the fat lady has sung -- and they don't mean Chris Christie. They ...

L.A. City Hall

The Right’s Big Brush-Off

Here’s a fun fact: My cousin was one of the attorneys who got silicone breast implants banned in the 1990s. As regular readers know, my biological dad killed Elvis. So my ...

How Not to Be President

Now that we know Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is running for president (along with several others whose names I can't remember), I have a helpful primer on what NOT to do as ...

Ron DeSantis

President DeSantis?

Recently, Gov. Ron DeSantis sat down with me for a one-hour interview. I started by praising him for keeping Florida largely open during Covid. "I just had to make the decision ...

Vivek Ramaswamy

President Ramaswamy?

Entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy is obviously a long shot presidential candidate, but he's refreshing. Unlike most politicians, he speaks clearly and seems smart. He probably is ...

Thank You for Your Disservice

Christians and Jews have had their Holy Week; now it’s my turn. Ten years ago, April 20, 2013, I was “outed” as David Cole. April 20, as you likely know, is a loaded ...

You’re Being Played, Republicans!

A few years ago, I posted this riddle on Twitter: What's easier to roll than an Easter egg? Answer: Donald Trump. Now, I can add: What's easier to roll than Donald ...

Ron DeSantis

Heavy D Don’t Tweet, He Acts

Isn't it great to have the media complaining about what a Republican is doing, instead of what he's tweeting? The New York Times recently did a major investigation into Gov. Ron ...

My Draft DeSantis Presidential Announcement Speech

With Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis busy running the third-largest state, enacting a magnificently conservative agenda, promoting a new book, and having to respond to endless demands ...

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