By the Numbers, a Failing President

If the left believed that draping the Capitol riot of Jan. 6, 2021, around the neck of former President Donald Trump and the party that refused to repudiate him would sink the ...

Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump

The Message in the Polls: Trump’s Done

Our media are obsessed with Donald Trump, but Trump's obsessed with Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida. For months now, Trump's been playing the aging silent film star Norma Desmond in ...

Dems’Post-Election Plan: Send More Immigrants to Virginia

But critical race theory isn't taught in Virginia schools! The Republican sweep in Virginia Tuesday night has nullified that claim. Glenn Youngkin beat Terry McAuliffe in the ...

Aborting Trumpism

Sometimes you wish that a certain group of people were never taught a certain phrase. In 1997, when O.J. Simpson ran afoul of a civil trial, the geniuses in the press decided to ...

The John Lewis Act is the Dems’ Path to Permanent Power

The official position of Fox News is that the Democrats' John Lewis vote-stealing bill is "narrower" than the Democrats' "For the People" vote-stealing bill. (This will be an ...

Voting Rights: It’s ‘Racist ‘ Not to Let Democrats Cheat

Why aren't Republicans screaming from the rooftops about the Democrats' plans to change voting rules to give themselves an advantage? Their sleazy election bills, HR 1, the "For ...

The Year of the Three Presidents

Until the moment Donald J. Trump was informed that his successor had taken the oath of office, he was President of the United States. And what an ignominious ending it was. What ...

Biden’s America: One Nation or Us Versus Them?

"We have met the enemy and he is us," said Walt Kelly's cartoon character Pogo, half a century ago, about what we Americans were doing to our environment. Rereading President Joe ...

George Gascón

Something Worse Than Voter Fraud

Yeah, voter fraud is real. Yeah, Democrats excel at it. But the current obsession on the right with voter fraud (genuine and imagined) carries with it the potential to do far more ...

Voter Fraud Never Happens! (Except in these 10,000 cases)

The media have been lying about voter fraud for 20 years. The New York Times and The Washington Post will tell you: Let's get something straight. There are only two cases of voter ...

What Biden’s First 100 Days Might Look Like

The Biden-Harris administration will confront "a pandemic, an economic crisis, calls for racial justice and climate change. The team being assembled will meet these challenges on ...

Yes, They Cheat. We Have to Win Georgia Anyway

I'm neither heartbroken nor surprised that President Kushner didn't get a second term. The good news is, Republicans are finally talking about vote fraud! Going forward, the ...

The Democrats’ Guide to Losing Gracefully

Here are the times Democrats have conceded a presidential election with grace and dignity: OK, now on to my column. I hope someone is recording the media's demands that Trump ...

Will Georgia Halt the Radicals’ Revolution?

"In victory, magnanimity... in defeat, defiance." That counsel about human conflict comes from Winston Churchill. And President Donald Trump, given all he has endured for five ...

Joe Biden

What Now?

This may be the strangest election in history in that there is no evidence that any sizable group of people want Biden for president. It's his fourth time running for that ...

Can a Disintegrating America Come Together?

On the last days of the 2020 campaign, President Donald Trump was holding four and five rallies a day in battleground states, drawing thousands upon thousands of loyalists to ...

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