Look Out, Biden: Russia Could Not Even Hack Its Own Election

The Kremlin’s secret magic wand to fix elections, or so the sore-loser version of the story goes, resulted in Donald Trump’s victory four years ago. Strangely, though, this ...

Watergate Complex, Foggy Bottom

A Biden Family Special Prosecutor in 2021?

If Joe Biden loses on Nov. 3, public interest in whether his son Hunter exploited the family name to rake in millions of dollars from foreign donors will likely fade away. It ...

Stumper: Should Trump Mention His Most Popular Issue?

In 2015, Donald J. Trump decided he was going to run for president on popular ideas. This was a stunning, historic breakthrough in American politics. He made his announcement in a ...

Debate Tip: Remember to Ask About White Supremacy

Unfortunately, this week's vice presidential debate -- occurring after this column goes out -- is unlikely to be something you'd see in the Turkish parliament, like we had last ...

Ten Days That Shook the Presidency

What a difference a week can make. Saturday, Sept. 26, was among the best days of the Trump presidency, or so some of us thought watching the president introduce in the Rose ...

Trump’s Wrongheaded Platinum Plan

Recent polling by the Pew Research Center indicated that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden had a nearly 89% lead over Trump among black voters. Hence the president’s ...

Last Best Chance to Capture Supreme Court

President Donald Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell are on the cusp of making history. With Trump having named two justices to the U.S. Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch ...

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump

Simple Ideas to Ensure a Trump Victory

Memo to His Excellency, President Donald Trump: 1) Extend Daylight Saving Time. COVID, the shutdown, riots, looting, wildfires -- we're depressed enough. Do one small favor for ...

Is Biden Ceding the Law-and-Order Issue?

Is Joe Biden forfeiting the law-and-order issue to Donald Trump? So it would seem. "Republicans Use Law and Order As Rallying Cry" was the top headline on The New York Times' ...

Are the Media Trying To Throw the Election to Trump?

Every day is a reenactment of my book, Resistance Is Futile. Trump does something stupid (or many things) and the media say, We can top that! Trump fumbles the ball, followed by ...

A Most Consequential Presidency

As Donald Trump is about to be nominated for a second term, how his presidency has already altered the orientation of his party is on display. Under Trump, the GOP ceased to be a ...

Biden/Harris 2020

The Jared Kushner Achievement Award Goes To … Kamala!

As has been duly noted, The New York Times' front page celebrating Biden's announcement of Kamala Harris as his running mate rivaled its moon landing coverage. A gigantic photo of ...

Kamala Harris

How Do I Tell My Friend She’s Not “African American”?

My wonderful readers often have questions for me, particularly in what every TV commercial calls "these uncertain times" when we're all "in this together" and must give hourly ...

Rising Diversity Is Joe Biden’s Worry, Too

Is her racial diversity America's greatest strength? So we are told. Yet, even before America becomes a majority-minority nation, 25 years from now, recent changes in the ...

Mount Rushmore

A Culture War Battle Trump Can Win

Speaking at Mount Rushmore on Friday, and from the White House lawn on Saturday, July 4, Donald Trump recast the presidential race. He seized upon an issue that can turn his ...

Quarantine Game! The Kim Jong Joe Plan

We're all going crazy and running out of things to do during this endless shutdown. We've painted the dog, counted pavers in the backyard, and rearranged the spice rack ...

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