Behind Trump’s Strategic Pivot

After Pearl Harbor, FDR declared that his role of "Dr. New Deal" had been superseded, replaced by his new role, "Dr. Win the War." Tuesday, President Donald Trump signaled that, ...

Joe Biden

Rapey Joe Gets Fingered

Would you rather have a rapist or an Alzheimer’s patient as your president? If Joe Biden gets elected, you may wind up with both, but it’s an important question and a crucial ...

Bernie Sanders: Player Hater

Dreams burned down for Bernie Sanders and his supporters this past week after Sanders’ initially promising start to the primaries. Young progressives who thought the Revolution ...

Joe Biden

The Democratic Party’s Problem With Blacks, Women, Jews, and Homosexuals

A little over a week ago, Joe Biden was a corpse. Everyone assumed his presidential campaign was dead. He’s still a corpse, but now the serial plagiarist, groper, and forgetter ...

Bernie is Still Trump’s Nightmare

The Democrats' sudden discovery of 77-year-old eminence grise Joe Biden has the electric feeling of Republicans settling on George H.W. Bush in 1992. (The Iowa Republican Party ...

The Establishment’s Ultimatum: Scuttle Bernie!

After Joe Biden's blowout victory in South Carolina Saturday and the swift withdrawal of Tom Steyer, "Mayor Pete" Buttigieg and Sen. Amy Klobuchar, the decisive day of the race ...

Bernie Sanders

Will JFK’s Party Become Sanders’ Party?

Sen. Bernie Sanders may be on the cusp of both capturing the Democratic nomination and transforming his party as dramatically as President Donald Trump captured and remade the ...

President Trump

Is There a Market Where I Can Short Liberals?

It's been a great week! In Iowa, the party that claims to be devoted to "science" and "technology" demonstrated that it couldn't count to 10. Trump delivered a triumphant State ...

Is Bernie’s Hour of Power at Hand?

Can a septuagenarian socialist who just survived a heart attack and would be 80 years old in his first year in office be elected president of the United States? It's hard to ...

Bernie Leads His Party to Open Borders

Some 100 members of an American Mormon community in northern Mexico, nine of whom -- women, children, toddlers -- were massacred a week ago on a lonely stretch of highway, just ...

Where Are the ‘High Crimes’?

"Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." These are the offenses designated in the Constitution for which presidents may be impeached and removed from ...

Please, Please More Democratic Debates!

With all the rancor in politics these days, the CNN/New York Times Democratic debate on Tuesday night delivered a rare moment of comity: Twelve Democrats agreed, apparently ...

The White House

Is Impeachment Now Inevitable?

"There go the people. I must follow them, for I am their leader," is a remark attributed to a French politician during the turbulent times of 1848. Joe Biden's Wednesday ...

US Vice President Joe Biden and President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko

Will ‘Ukraine-Gate’ Imperil Biden’s Bid?

With the revelation by an intel community "whistleblower" that President Donald Trump, in a congratulatory call to the new president of Ukraine, pushed him repeatedly to ...

Joe Biden

Joe Biden Is Going Nuts

“I want to be clear—I’m not going nuts,” Joe Biden assured a crowd in New Hampshire last Friday. It was merely the latest in a lifetime of lies this serial fabulist has ...

Andrew Jackson/Marianne Williamson

Old Hickory v. New Quackery

Marianne Williamson is easily the most entertaining candidate the Democrats have belched up this go-round, so let us gather to celebrate her campaign before it likely craps out on ...

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