John F. Kennedy

Goodbye, JFK Democrats

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s exit from the Democratic Party (or was he booted out?) is only the latest sign that there are no more JFK Democrats left in positions of power in the ...

Media: Let’s Blame the Border Crisis on Trump!

The biggest problem Democrats have this year is the mess they've made of the border. No matter how many cartwheels the media do for Kamala Harris, immigration remains a top issue ...

Candace Owens

The Golem Wore Panties

In June, Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson separately went on odd tangents about how the U.S. shouldn’t have dropped the A-bombs during WWII. So I wrote a piece about it and ...

President Biden

Biden’s Speech Told by an Idiot, Full of Sound and Fury

President Joe Biden's speech in Chicago on Monday night reveals the true nature of today's Democratic Party. As the world now knows, he obviously had no concept of anything being ...

Natural gas pipeline

Natural Gas Is Now Cheaper Than Water

Among the great mythologies of recent years, one stands out above the rest, is that the world is in a "great energy transition." Actually, the world IS in a dramatic energy ...

My Proposed Deal with the MAGA Base

In the past few days, The New York Times has run the following headlines: Aug. 10, 2024: New Battleground Polls Show Harris Has Fundamentally Changed the Race Aug. 10, 2024: ...

Left and Right: Twin Halves of the National Lobotomy

Consider two children, white, boys, growing up in contented middle-class families in the same suburb of Washington, DC, equally bright, popular, successful with girls, and so on. ...

Weird and Wacky

I would be a Republican if they would. Which means that I like the Barry Goldwater Republican Party, even the Reagan Republican Party. I want a mean old man to watch my money. I ...

White Riot: Anarchy in the U.K.

“White riot—I wanna riot—white riot—a riot of my own!” So sang U.K. punk rockers the Clash in their 1977 debut single, “White Riot.” Well, now Britain has numerous ...

Riot Act

The riots in Britain have made one thing clear: The political classes do not know what poor people look like. Keir Starmer has been like a broken record describing everyone on ...

Is Kamala Black?

Probably inadvertently and for all the wrong reasons, Donald Trump made an important point last week when he said of the Democrats' most recent presidential nominee, Kamala ...

Kamala Harris

One Drop Ruse

About three decades ago, California political legend Willie Brown introduced Donald Trump to his latest mistress, Kamala Harris, when Trump gave Willie and his entourage a lift on ...

Concern Over Concern

When three young children were stabbed on the streets of Dublin last November, the authorities very quickly managed to focus the narrative away from the attacker. Horror gave way ...

Kamala Harris

How Kamala Climbed the Peaks of DEI

The media are hopping mad about Republicans referring to Kamala Harris as a "DEI hire." Here's some of the teeth-gnashing: -- ABC News: "Kamala Harris Faces Racial 'DEI' ...

National Divorce? More Like Reality Divorce

My regular readers know that sometimes I’ll take a roundabout route to get to my point. Dave’s Regular Readers: “Sometimes? You pull that shit every week.” Sorry, ...

Kamala Harris

The Prosecutor vs. The Felon

I see that Democrats are going with the image of Kamala Harris as a bad-ass prosecutor. Hey, wait! Maybe now they'll finally have an opportunity to mention that Donald Trump is a ...

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