The Fall of Rome, Updated

Third-worlders killed three Americans in Jordan over the weekend, and our political establishment is ready to start World War III. Which is more of a national security threat: ...

John Fetterman

Psychos and Psyops

Can I call ’em or what? From September 2023: “The GOP is lucky as hell that Dems haven’t realized just how unstoppable a ‘1994 Democrat’ would be today, especially in ...

Government in Lieu of Congress

Of all the Congress critters in the Democrat section of the zoo that is the House of Representatives, one of the more execrable is Ted Lieu from Zimbabwe on the Pacific, formerly ...

Post-Apocalypse America

Having lost a few (lots of) steak dinner bets on whether Trump would be the nominee (I said no), and nursing my bitter disappointment that it won't be Florida's miracle governor, ...

The REAL Story of the Two Americas

For the past 30 years or so, the Left has invented a narrative that there are two Americas: a group of very super-rich people (the one-percenters) who have prospered over the past ...

The Next Million Fentanyl Deaths are on You, New Hampshire

Do you care about fentanyl, New Hampshire? Every year, more than 400 of your fellow Granite Staters die from drug overdoses, mostly from fentanyl. Nikki Haley promises to keep ...

“Screw the Jews” Might Bring Bad News

Last week we talked about overcorrection. This week, let’s see how the right’s gonna use that shotgun to blow off its remaining toes. As I pointed out last year, the GOP goes ...

The End of Great Power Politics

The prophets of international relations are eager to offer us different visions of the future. For some, American decline is destined to give rise to a new era of multipolarity. ...

Blue States Just Can’t Stop Taxing

The latest Census Bureau data on population changes in America should have been a wake-up call to lawmakers in blue states and cities. The Census data provide even further ...

Prove You’re Not ‘Easily Led,’ Evangelicals!

In 1986, The New York Times described evangelicals as "more easily led than other kinds of voters." Then in 1993, The Washington Post reported that evangelicals were "largely ...

Flooded With Good Intentions

Sen. John Kennedy is upset because Sen. Rand Paul wants to limit federal flood insurance. But Paul is right. In my new video, Paul says, "(It) shouldn't be for rich ...

Are you a MAKER or a TAKER?

Politicians are often takers. They take our money (and freedom) in the name of achieving goals they rarely achieve. Elon Musk and Sen. Elizabeth Warren may be the best examples ...

Markets and Miracles

In this season of giving, I'll donate to the Doe Fund, a charity that helps drug abusers and ex-cons find purpose in life through work. Doe's approach doesn't include many ...

Claudine Gay

Claudine Gay, We Hardly Knew Ye

That’s a fitting title for a piece about Harvard’s plagiarizer-in-chief. Full disclosure: The title is, er, borrowed from the title of Kenneth O’Donnell’s 1973 book about ...

The Tyranny of the Phillips Curve

Repeat after me, class: Growth does NOT cause inflation. Write it on the blackboard 100 times. For decades, the economics profession has been trying to tell us all just the ...

Biden’s Three Paths to Victory

Democrats have three paths to victory next November, all being eagerly embraced by Republicans. PLAN A: Enrage Republicans by bringing a string of ludicrous indictments, civil ...

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