Let’s Celebrate

According to the British Telegraph a high turnout of California blacks supporting Barack Obama helped to pass Proposition Eight, banning gay marriage, in a statewide referendum last week. Since Obama's presence on the ticket increased the black percentage of the vote total from 6 percent in 2004 to ...

Causes for Hope

As Tom Piatak discusses over at Chronicles, David Frum hastened to the defense of his fellow-neocon Anne Applebaum, the historian of the Soviet gulags and the current wife of the current Polish foreign minister. It seems that NR dared to rebuke this lady for her enthusiastic backing of Obama. Frum ...

Coming Pleasures

Recently I"€™ve come across two statements that have evoked radically different public reactions. One is by a Minnesota Republican congresswoman, Michelle Bachmann, who told Chris Matthews on his TV program that Obama holds "€œanti-American views,"€ like other unnamed members of Congress. ...

Making Sense of the American Right

Douglas A. Jeffrey and Claremont Review both deserve to be congratulated for violating the imperial ban that the neoconservative mafia has imposed on my book Conservatism in America: Making Sense of the American Right. Unlike National Review, The Weekly Standard, the Washington Times, and other ...

Thus Spake Kristol

On Sunday night, while listening to "€œFOX news contributors all"€ clarify our current financial crisis, I picked up a remark by William Kristol indicating that our stock market and banks should be "€œmore closely regulated."€ Kristol went on to explain this regulation accorded "€œwith ...

Zucker’s Folly

Having seen "€œAmerican Carol"€ on the basis of James Hirsen's glowing review on Newsmax I am still reacting to this flick's neoconservative message with a queasy stomach. From my exposure to this movie that David Zucker threw together with Bill O"€™Reilly, who appears as one of the movie's ...

God & Man at Takimag

Last week John Derbyshire posted on NRO a justification for his atheism, a comment that brought forth a thunderous response on this website from a devout Catholic John Zmirak. Having read both these commentaries, it seems that neither is entirely convincing. Zmirak goes after those who treat ...

GOP Turkeys

Are GOP partisans as dumb as they seem? My answer to this query is "€œat least as dumb as turkeys, the mouths of which have to be shut when it rains, lest they swallow too much water and drown."€ How else does one explain the continued enthusiasm shown by conservative-GOP activists for the ...

The Palin Illusion

Having been listening to happy talk for more than a week about the "€œPalin factor,"€ courtesy of all my local friends and the commentaries of Pat Buchanan, and having felt at least for a few minutes some of the same euphoria about the GOP vice-presidential candidate, it now seems appropriate ...

The lady has to do better

It is really a shame that Sarah Palin, who reminds me of Donna Reed in "€œIt's a Wonderful Life"€, has already flubbed her first test in standing up to the left. When a walking human embodiment of sheer vileness Representative Robert Wexler (of Florida or Potomac, Maryland, depending on whom ...