The “Islamic Renaissance” that Sultan Erdogan campaigns for today has little to do with what the Christian world experienced centuries ago. Then, Europe unearthed the beauty of the statues of Greece and Rome (fortunately there was no iconoclastic hysteria) and rediscovered classical wisdom, ...
The new cultural revolution vandalizing the streets is completely misinformed and has the faint whiff of extremist fanaticism. Its aim is to divide and fracture Western society, where individualism was born, where there is respect for the development of personal freedom over the traditions (and ...
Tiberius, the Roman emperor of darkest fame, retired to the island of Capri. In the month of the heat wave, when the Dog constellation is at its zenith and Sirius shines brightly, the emperor ordered a conclave of poets, historians, magicians, and rhapsodists to “explain to me what the sirens are ...
It was very predictable that after months of house arrest and a 24/7 fear campaign, any spark would cause a fire that would be difficult to put out. The new barbarians are encouraged by social pyromaniacs, experts in manipulating the rebellion of the masses with a mentally retarded message. It is ...
In today’s world, Vladimir Nabokov would abandon a literary safari to devote himself exclusively to hunting butterflies. I feel a bit like a Lolita nymph with a similar boutade, but in my defense I allege that it has a certain foundation: Single-minded fanatics (neo-Marxists, neo-Puritans, ...
There have always been iconoclastic fanatics throughout history, but today the demolition of statues has become somewhat compulsive. A few demagogic notions of the past are enough (“Learn universal history in five minutes”) to become pathologically intolerant in search of historical revenge. It ...
The world turns in fury, a global trend that is arming an urban guerrilla. In the valley of tears, being recognized as a victim is an aspiration to gain rights over another. This has allowed simple sexual, religious, or racial characteristics to be imposed over merit or intelligence with unfair and ...
The Coolidge effect is known as man’s general desire to copulate with every desirable female (why not vice versa?). On one occasion President Calvin Coolidge and his wife visited a poultry farm. The first lady watched the rooster ride a hen and was interested in the frequency of the ...
Incredible as it may seem, the intellectual level of the Spanish political class has dropped as much as my alcoholic handicap. The latest mantra-braying of the spokesmen of power: Those who demonstrate against the incompetence of Pedro Sánchez’s socialist-communist government “are posh people ...
The totalitarian nightmare of a prophylactic society is blurred by the stampede of spring. After 52 days of harsh house arrest, last Monday bars and restaurants opened in half of Spain (the other half still awaits the permission of the very disturbing Dr. Sánchez). Drinking alone at home is a ...