Los Angeles, California

SCOTUS Girls Gone Wild: The Right to Crap in the Streets

On MSNBC, they're convinced that the Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity will finally usher in the long-feared Trump Dictatorship, though I'm almost certain the Supreme Court explicitly limited the immunity to presidential acts authorized, or even required, by the Constitution. Staging a coup would not be covered. Neither would murdering political opponents. (One of the most alarmed guests was former CIA chief John Brennan. Wasn't he involved in a bit of unauthorized surveillance of American citizens, as well as lying to Congress about it?) MSNBC: What if Mohamed Atta were ...

Soft on Crime, Soft in the Head

Following last week’s column on Alex Jones and his “boo-hoo the feds are after me” Crybaby Tour ’24, I heard from several readers (via my Substack) who slammed my sympathy ...

Actually, Senator

For the first time in decades, I caught some of the Sunday morning political shows last weekend. Who knew there still were Sunday shows? Since the advent of cable news, you can ...

Fight to the Death for Death!

Here’s a wacky anecdote for ya. April 30, 1998, 3:30 p.m. My girlfriend Sarah and I had just gotten back from lunch at Red Lobster (I’m not black, neither was she. But damn ...

If It Saves Just One Life…

Whatever inalienable right or God-given freedom you are born with that the Democrat Left seeks to diminish or strip from you altogether on the pretext of safety or security, via ...

Rishi Sunak

True Charity ENDS at Home

I have a horrible feeling I may just have accidentally inspired the creation of a new major motion picture. Just before Christmas, I wrote a festive-themed article for a U.K. ...

Justice Underserved

Viscerally, I am in favor of the death penalty, but in more sober reality I am against it. There are some crimes so heinous, so beyond all extenuation, that death seems the only ...

Impeach Him Again

The crisis at the border is the No. 1 issue with voters, and it's killing the Democrats. To my surprise, my party -- the stupid party -- has done something smart (which Fox News ...

The Next Million Fentanyl Deaths are on You, New Hampshire

Do you care about fentanyl, New Hampshire? Every year, more than 400 of your fellow Granite Staters die from drug overdoses, mostly from fentanyl. Nikki Haley promises to keep ...

Is Google Guilty of Being Too Popular With Consumers?

You may have heard the Biden Justice Department is suing Google in federal court for being a "monopoly." That's a bizarre charge given that few, if any companies in all American ...

Apparently, Not All Black Lives Matter

Let's be honest: As far as the media are concerned, most black lives don't matter. Only in the tiny, infinitesimally small percentage of cases when a black person is killed by a ...

Broken Window of Opportunity

Many people have strong opinions on what’s the best place to live: city, suburb, or country? Yet, personally, I’ve enjoyed every place I’ve lived and would like to see each ...

The Anniversary the Media Would Prefer You Forget

How did I miss the third anniversary of George Floyd's death? Were the media caught sleeping? Three years ago, Floyd was given funerals in three states, carried in a gold casket ...

Gaslighting Ourselves

After the unfortunate death in the New York subway of mentally ill homeless guy Jordan Neely, I pointed out that much of the stress imposed upon daily life in New York by violent, ...

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