A British court has just made a surprising judgment. According to reports, David Spencer, a 56-year-old soccer fan, was convicted and fined £1,375 for hurling racial abuse at a 15-year-old brown boy in the stands at a game, after allegedly chanting the impolite invective “You’re a P***. You’re a P***. Turn round. Watch the match.” The punishment sounds a bit harsh to me: If printed accurately as above, Mr. Spencer didn’t even call the boy a Paki. Possibly taking this act of highly considerate verbal self-asterisking into account, magistrates did not initially issue the miscreant ...
It was nice to see Crystal Mangum, victim of the nonexistent gang rape by Duke lacrosse players in 2006, admit last week that it was all a fake-out. Many of you were happy, though bored, and moved ...
A fascinating recent example of what I call cops retreating to the doughnut shop began in July 2023 when the New Jersey State Police largely stopped issuing traffic tickets for six to eight months ...
See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Such were the age-old policy recommendations of the Three Wise Monkeys, since adopted by the total chimps who now rule over us. I have ...
What does it take for a parent to get arrested? Surprisingly little. Scott and Heather Wallace of Hewitt, Texas, encourage their three boys to play outside on their own to build ...
I'm not sure the Central Park Five really want a civil trial on what happened the night of April 19, 1989, but by suing Donald Trump for defamation, that's what they're going to ...
After yet another assassination attempt on Donald Trump -- or as The New York Times calls it, "what the FBI is calling an assassination attempt" -- it's time for Trump to hire ...
Crime stories are part of the “racial America” beat, and it helps if you don’t let them get under your skin. That’s difficult with black-on-white crime, because of the ...
When three young children were stabbed on the streets of Dublin last November, the authorities very quickly managed to focus the narrative away from the attacker. Horror gave way ...
On MSNBC, they're convinced that the Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity will finally usher in the long-feared Trump Dictatorship, though I'm almost certain the Supreme ...
Did I ever tell you about the time I found myself face down in a urine-soaked stairwell with a cop’s knee on my neck? It was 1991, and black L.A. was in its Boys n’ the Hood ...
Let’s play a word-association game. Bing Crosby. What did you think of? “White Christmas”? Bob Hope? Chances are some of you thought “child beater,” especially Gen ...
Following last week’s column on Alex Jones and his “boo-hoo the feds are after me” Crybaby Tour ’24, I heard from several readers (via my Substack) who slammed my sympathy ...
For the first time in decades, I caught some of the Sunday morning political shows last weekend. Who knew there still were Sunday shows? Since the advent of cable news, you can ...
Here’s a wacky anecdote for ya. April 30, 1998, 3:30 p.m. My girlfriend Sarah and I had just gotten back from lunch at Red Lobster (I’m not black, neither was she. But damn ...
Whatever inalienable right or God-given freedom you are born with that the Democrat Left seeks to diminish or strip from you altogether on the pretext of safety or security, via ...