Blood in Oklahoma

An almost botched execution in Oklahoma has revived a debate of sorts about capital punishment in America. After the failed injection of a lethal "€œcocktail,"€ a mix of ...

Robert H. Richards IV

Revenge of the Turds

On Monday, we learned of a DuPont heir who has been given nothing but parole for raping his daughter, because the judge felt he wouldn"€™t "€œfare well"€ in prison. It's ...

The Shame Sham

Like all societies before it, our society considers nothing more shameful than to be shameless. Thus, the Internet"€”which binds our society together like cheese binds a ...

Sour Thoughts From the Police Beat

Things don"€™t work like they spoza. A cause of this dysfunction is the notion that criminals can "€œpay their debt to society"€ and then be all better, as if crimes were ...

Unjust Crimes and Unjust Executions

Apart from pulp novels, airport bookshops often have an eccentric selection of books. A few years ago, for example, in the bookshop in the airport nearest my English home, I found ...

Woody Allen

Sacrificing Virgins to the Entertainment Gods

Raping a child can land you in prison for life"€”unless you"€™ve made some cool movies, in which case the penalty is a lifetime achievement award. In France, where they ...

World of Witchcraft

Human-rights groups and assorted do-gooders have been filling up my Twitter timeline with news of a phenomenon many think no longer exists: literal witch hunts. In 2009 the ...

Sam Mullet

Thou Shalt Not Hate Beards

Reality has made quoting Malcolm Muggeridge impossible. That’s OK by me, because between his willfully ignorant campaign against Life of Brian and his equally problematic ...

Kermit Gosnell

The Pro-Death Movement

I once read that all societies throughout history were consistent in that they deemed it wrong to kill another human being...but they were wildly inconsistent in how they defined ...

General Nicolò Pollari

Outsourcing Torture

Last week, Italy became the first nation to condemn and sentence to prison two of its own secret service chiefs for assisting the CIA in February 2003 in kidnapping suspected ...

Bring Back the Duel

I didn’t go to college, let alone law school. So when I started joking a few years back"€”in response to my own legal troubles"€”that “libel is what we got when we ...

The Lord Black of Crossharbour

Anti-Black Prejudice

Ex-media mogul and ex-con Conrad Black is doing press for his new book A Matter of Principle, and to watch him skewer the biased media who try to corner him is heavenly. I ...

Anders Behring Breivik

Medicating Morality in Norway

I suspect that Norwegians regard themselves as exceptionally decent and highly civilized. Like the rest of Western Europeans, they eschew the death penalty and cast a horrified ...

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