A Failed Life and Progressive Excuses

The story of Ganave Fairley is a story of failure—not just of her own failed life, but also of a failed criminal justice system and a failed intellectual class that, led by a ...

The Soft Hand of the Law

I remember well a burglar who was angry at his imprisonment. I was examining him medically shortly after his arrival in what locals called “the big house.” “I don’t need ...

Nathan Sutherland

The Day of the Pillow

Imagine you’re an elderly white patient in a hospital or nursing home depending on the kindness of others for your very survival. Then imagine that you’re mostly left at the ...

The Epidemic of Police Violence Against Blacks: A Persistent Myth

The mainstream media embarrassed itself again last week by propagating another hate hoax. A 12-year-old black girl in the D.C. suburbs claimed that three white boys in her class ...

Mass Incarceration Saved Black America

The left has the luxury of having lost the argument on crime for the past few decades and, as a consequence, the electorate has no recollection of the living nightmare produced by ...

Could I Get That Illegal ‘To Go’?

As we head into the long Labor Day weekend, here are two tips to make your holiday even more cheerful. First: Remember to watch out for drunk driving illegal aliens! The ...

Nick Sandmann

Court to The Washington Post: Don’t Try too Hard to Get it Right

Last week, U.S. District Court Judge William O. Bertelsman dismissed Nick Sandmann's $250 million defamation suit against The Washington Post for its stories about a mythical ...

In Praise of Broken Windows Policing

For many of us who live in American cities, certain things each year signal the arrival of warm weather: the joyful sounds of children playing in the street, the pleasant sight of ...

These are Real “High Crimes”

Contrary to the image of potheads as peaceful stoners, "cannabis-dependent psychotic patients were four times as likely to be violent," Alex Berenson writes in his magnificent new ...

Dept. of Justice, Washington D.C.

Hate-Based Faith

The recent upsurge among white liberals of their quasi-religious belief that racial differences in average behavior can’t possibly be real—“the Great Awokening”—is on a ...

Jared: The Birdbrain of Alcatraz

In the systematic dismantling of common sense in America, Jared Kushner's "sentencing reform" bill is the coup de grace -- a Mack Truck hurtling down the highway about to take out ...

All in a Day’s Leave

When it comes to murder, I am not a utilitarian; that is to say, I am against it even when the victim is an undesirable character and the world would be a slightly better place ...

Harvey Weinstein

Harvey Weinstein and the Clinton Protection Racket

Harvey Weinstein’s recent perp walk reminds me of another great thing about Trump winning the election: Hillary Clinton isn’t president. A New York Times article on ...

Please Don’t Call Them Animals

Last Wednesday the golden-fleeced alpha wizard we call a president ignited yet another round of public pearl-clutching and vapor-sniffing after referring to members of the MS-13 ...

Trial by Fury

Everyone knows, or thinks he knows, the dangers of nationalism and its practical corollary, the nation-state. The dangers are foreign wars of conquest, xenophobia, irredentism, ...

Protect Kids or Confiscate Guns?

In days gone by, a massacre of students like the atrocity at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School would have brought us together. But like so many atrocities before it, this mass ...

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