Those Pesky Statistics

I once gave a talk in New Zealand in which I said that, thanks to the inefficiency of the police and the leniency of the courts in Britain, a burglar spent on average three days ...

Assaulted and Vilified, the Cops Save the Cities

On the fifth night of rioting, looting and arson in Minneapolis, the criminal elements were driven from the streets. By whom? By the same cops who had been the constant objects ...

Mob Rule

George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, was killed Monday night after an incident that involved four Minneapolis police officers, who have since been fired. Video footage recorded ...

Affirmative Action for Men Who Can’t Get Laid

According to authorities, 20-year-old Armando Hernandez, Jr. walked into a shopping center in Glendale, AZ last Thursday and started randomly firing his semi-automatic rifle at ...

The Hunt for Dystopia D’NaeNae

In one of 2020’s finest ironies, most of us spent the 75th anniversary of Hitler’s death confined to our own personal bunkers, hiding from a malevolent menace from the ...

Don’t Cough on Me, Bro

Decades ago—long before this surreal pandemic that forever mangled the world as we knew it—I concluded that it was far worse to give someone the common cold by being an ...

Los Angeles, CA

Locked Down in Third World California

As I type these words, Californians are under a mandatory “stay at home” edict issued by the Patrick Bateman cosplayer in our statehouse. Any Californian caught leaving his, ...

The Limits of Punishment

A British court has just ruled that a couple accused of procuring the murder of a boy age 11 in India, whose life they had insured for a large sum of money, could not be ...

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Approves of Caging Kids…if They’re White

Excuse me, but I was promised concentration camps. In 2016, leftists told us that Trump, if elected, would build a network of Nazi death camps. And what did we get instead? A few ...

Madison Harris

A Quiet Little Murder in Mississippi

You probably haven’t heard about the sixteen-year-old girl who got murdered by five other kids early last Monday afternoon on a quiet little street in the quiet little town of ...

Harpooning the Toxic Whale

You might not have heard -- because Trump is still president, so MSNBC and CNN were required to give hair-on-fire coverage of some mundane action he's taken this week -- but on ...

Honey, We Molested the Kids!

I wonder if any liberals are re-thinking their insistence that the Boy Scouts allow gay men to take 13-year-old boys on overnight camping trips. HEADLINE: Boy Scouts Files ...

President Trump

Impeachment: The Left’s Ultimate Weapon

In 1868, President Andrew Johnson was impeached for violating the Tenure of Office Act that had been enacted by Congress over his veto in 1867. Defying the law, Johnson fired ...

George Zimmerman’s Lonely Quest for Justice

When I first heard that George Zimmerman—the serial fuckup who famously killed aspiring gangsta Trayvon Martin in 2012 and was exploited by the media under false pretenses to ...

Tort Retort

About 25 years ago, I had a patient whose marriage broke up after an hour. Her groom had answered “Yes” to the following question, put to him according to the rites of the ...

Pete Buttigieg

The “Right” to Remain Silent About Your HIV Status

Call me old-fashioned, but I think that people who have unprotected sex with others without informing them that they’re HIV-positive are downright rude. Mind you, I’m not ...

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