Crime Time

Like a strange melody that keeps repeating in my ear are four letters, PTSD, an acronym for a psychiatric disorder that seems to afflict most criminals in America. I suppose some ...

Killer Stats 2022

Rather than wait around for the FBI and CDC to finally announce next autumn the number of murders in the year just ended, my New Year’s tradition has become to count them up ...

Straight Shooters

With mass shootings (such as the high school massacre in Oxford, Mich.) soaring and mass murders (such as the murder-by-car at the Christmas Parade in Waukesha, Wis.) back in the ...

Kyle Rittenhouse


In his prosecution of Kyle Rittenhouse, Kenosha County Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger drew so many well-earned rebukes from the judge that some speculated he was ...

Kim Foxx

Kill Back Better

This isn't a Chicago story. It's a Democratic Party story. Kim Foxx, the state's attorney for Cook County and darling of MSNBC, has managed to increase murders in Chicago to ...

They’re Not Defending Their Best

Last Friday, two elected congressional Democrats, Reps. Cori Bush and Emanuel Cleaver II, wrote to Gov. Mike Parson of Missouri demanding that he pardon a triple-murderer on death ...

Reading the Tea Leaves

Why is it so hard to predict the future? For example, why didn’t the Biden Administration guess that few soldiers of the now-defunct Afghan National Army would feel like ...

Sheriiff Alex Villanueva

Isle of L.A. Part III: Gringo Star Supernova

Part III of my series about the changing face of L.A. Click for Parts I and II. I ended Part II with a look at how L.A. County’s Hispanics are habitual nonvoters. Let’s pick ...

DACA: Degenerate Arsonists? Come Aboard!

The New York Times recently ran an indignant article on the Department of Justice's arrest of two fugitives in Mexico who were accused of involvement in a mostly peaceful arson ...

Gone Wilders

Given the news that a Dutch investigative journalist specializing in crime had been shot dead by a drug cartel keen to stop his reportage, you could be forgiven for asking what a ...

Dept. of Justice, Washington D.C.

Dems: Don’t Defund the Police. Break Them!

In the left's ongoing war on the police, their plan to strip cops of qualified immunity is among the most preposterous. The sole objective is to jam up cops and make them more ...

Has the Backlash Arrived for Police-Bashing?

Within hours of Saturday's shooting in Times Square where three bystanders, including a 4-year-old girl, were wounded, the two leading candidates to replace Mayor Bill de Blasio ...

Ann’s Plan to End Police Shootings

To use the cliche of the moment, these are deeply polarized times. But there are some issues so urgent that we must find common ground. At the top of that list is preventing ...

Thanks, Jurors! You’re Safe Now. We Aren’t

To watch the hours of celebratory fist-pumping from government officials and black activists after the guilty verdicts against police officer Derek Chauvin this week, you'd think ...

Minneapolis vs. The Evidence

Apparently, no one is watching the trial of Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer on trial for the murder of George Floyd. Otherwise, the media couldn't get away ...

Minneapolis, MN

Derek Chauvin, Human Sacrifice

In modern America, we periodically offer up white men as human sacrifices to the PC gods. Among our benefactions: Jake Gardner, Kyle Rittenhouse, Darren Wilson, the Duke lacrosse ...

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