Recently I gave evidence in a tragic case in which a young man died whose life might have been saved if only the doctors had thought of the right diagnosis. It was not an easy case, and the doctors who missed the diagnosis were mortified, though in what proportion by the tragic outcome of the case itself, and in what proportion by wounded professional pride or by fear of subsequent legal action, it is not easy to say. Human emotions are as mixed as human motives, and are seldom as we would have them. In our sorrow for others there is often regard for ourselves. Certainly it was my painful ...
Dear Santa Claus: It's been well over forty years since I wrote you a letter, but I don"t want you to think I"m an anti-Santite. It's just that I"ve been busy. You see me when I"m ...
I woke up this morning with a bit of a chest cold and decided not to blame the Jews for it. Some mystical yearning deep inside my heart"I believe it's called "common sense""led me to ...
Teen pop star Miley Cyrus is in the news again. I think she bared her torso or the side of her breast or picked up a Playboy or something. How shocking! How did we get here? ...
A week is proverbially a long time in politics. A year is 52.14 times longer than that. Our own lives occupy the fronts of our minds, while public affairs rumble in the ...
There seems to have been a lot of rioting recently. The Greeks are rioting over government spending cuts. Hockey fans rioted in Canada’s nicest city. Soccer fans staged a ...
During the last five years I"ve written provocative fortnightly columns for the Lancaster newspapers, and I periodically receive letters from an outraged older woman (or so my ...
In 1972 comedian George Carlin famously delineated the "Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television." All seven words dealt with bodily parts or functions at a time when ...
It’s been over six years since I last attended a church service. I maintain a proper humility toward large questions about the universe and human self-awareness, but I am a ...
“I had a wonderful time—but this was not it,” is what I contemplated, then discarded, saying to the lady who had hosted the "hat-party". The lady in ...
The longer we postpone things we must do, the harder it becomes to accomplish them, don"t you think? Take letters: guilt at not having written them compounds the ...
—-Forgive me for interrupting, the little man said, but I thought I had read his oeuvre complete and suddenly I see a title unknown to me. Ah, I said with contrived good ...