It has been quite a month for philandering. One would be mistaken for thinking Senator John Ensign's abrupt resignation was the scandal of the moment. Instead, with news of one illegitimate child and reports of similar siblings, Arnold Schwarzenegger is providing America its exhibition in base ...
Last week the global media was all abuzz with ridicule over those backward Italian peasants"to the media, a peasant is anyone possessing less than $1 million Euros. It seems those foolishly superstitious peons were relying in droves upon an outdated prophecy of a man who in his day was rather ...
"Bin Laden Wins!" should be the cover headline on TIME magazine this week, rather than the hackneyed, he's-as-bad-as-Hitler cover with the red “X” through his face. Perhaps if America had a reliable source of news we would get such a report. Instead, we have juvenile stunts ...
Osama bin Laden is dead (supposedly). And what has it cost us? A decade-long war in Afghanistan which has thus far taken over 1,000 American lives with close to another 10,000 wounded. These numbers are wildly inaccurate, as the US military routinely evacuates mortally wounded troops to Germany, ...
At the risk of being antiquated, I am wholeheartedly in favor of the nuptials taking place today in London. This, despite its apparently being déclassé for one to admit to having romantic notions of happily-ever-after, adore the regalia of circumstance, or participate in an unabashed ...
Vengeance is always shortsighted, and Egypt these days needs spectacles. The New Egypt (which is still being run by the Old Military) detained Hosni Mubarak and his two sons last week. Merely being held and questioned was enough to give Mubarak a heart attack on the spot. The Egyptian ...
Once there was a ruler who held his vast land together with an iron fist. For decades the people in one of his disparate regions had pursued peaceful methods to codify their way of life as it fit into the national fabric. Alas, their efforts were to little avail. Their regional faction was made to ...
The US has another public-relations nightmare on its hands in Afghanistan. One would think a war lasting over a decade with no plausible end in sight would be enough of a PR disaster. This month's issue of Rolling Stone magazine published numerous photos of American soldiers posed with and in the ...
What has happened in Wisconsin? Everyone seems to know but me. The liberal media knows it was "union busting" and an assault on the middle class. The neo-conservative media knows it was "budget balancing" and a defense of fairness between privatized workers as opposed to bloated ...
Over the past few days the Greatest Show on Earth has rolled into town. This carnival is complete with its very own troop of freaks, and its ringmaster is cad-about-town Charlie Sheen. Lest one be too hard on young Mr. Sheen, it ought to be confessed that he has provided more outright hilarity in ...