Chris Rock

The Curse of King Martin

Rich Lowry owes John Derbyshire an apology. When Lowry fired Derbyshire from National Review for writing a “racist” column here at Taki’s, he took particular issue with Derb’s contention that whites should “Stay out of heavily black neighborhoods.” Lowry was ...

Woody Allen in Annie Hall

Too Stupid for Words

In Annie Hall, Woody Allen's character time-travels back to his old public-school classroom. "€œI always felt my schoolmates were idiots,"€ he declares. On cue, a staring, slack-jawed kid drawls, "€œSeven and three is nine."€ Cut to Young Schoolboy Woody, slapping his forehead in ...

No Room at the Inn

Canada's Human Rights Commissions (HRCs) are the bureaucrats who fined a comedian for heckling back at lesbian hecklers and persecuted a magazine that published the so-called "€œMuhammad cartoons."€ The HRCs"€™ leftist defenders say these tribunals were originally created to mediate housing ...

Justin Trudeau

Shine Briefly, Little Pony

"€œI think it would be appropriate for Earth Hour in the interests of the environment for the Senator to punch Justin Trudeau's lights out."€ That was author Mark Steyn, speaking for millions of Canadians right before the hyper-hyped, nationally televised March 31 charity boxing match between ...

Lt. William Calley

The Calley Effect

I share my Taki colleagues"€™ dismay and disgust regarding the fly-by-night carnival I"€™m obliged to refer to"€”in accordance with his mother's stated wishes"€”as the Trayvon MartinTM Affair. I, too, detect that unmistakable odor of media malpractice in the air: the miraculous discovery ...

Lady Gaga

Death by Diva?

How many suicides will we blame on Lady Gaga years from now? Hear me out: Our ruling elites insist that bullied gay teens commit suicide in greater numbers than the general population"€”a dubious statistic"€”so all children are now obliged to endure "€œanti-bullying"€ campaigns in school. ...

Tom Cruise in Magnolia

Turning Cads Into Klansmen

I spoke too soon when I reported back in January that women no longer have any problems. The armchair Freedom Riders at the weirdly named Southern Poverty Law Center (or "€œ$PLC"€ as one of its dogged critics prefers) have been courageously, er, browsing the Internet and have uncovered a ...

Forgetting the Alamo

"€œRacial incident mars high school game,"€ San Antonio's KSAT reported March 5. "€œSchool district, students apologize."€ What now, you ask wearily? Another (fake) noose-related "€œhate crime"€? Another (phony) white-on-black gang rape? Another niggardly black hole we have to spend ...

Davy Jones

Don”€™t Stop Daydream Believin”€™

They were completely fake, they were mostly unlovable, other people wrote their songs"€”and they were still better than The Beatles. I don"€™t give The Monkees much thought, but surely one must have a heart of stone to read about the death of lead singer Davy Jones without whistling ...

Sacha Baron Cohen

The Not-so-Great Dictator

So Jewish people don"€™t run Hollywood after all? That was my first snarky thought when I heard about the flap between comedian Sacha Baron Cohen (Borat, Talladega Nights) and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, AKA those old white (and probably Jewish but DON"€™T dare ask!) men ...