Ed Murray, Seattle's überliberal mayor, proposed a 1.75-cent-per-ounce tax on all sugary drinks sold in the city. This would include the sodas plus energy drinks like Red Bull, fruit drinks, sweetened tea, and the type of bottled coffee sold by Starbucks. The purpose of the tax would raise some ...
When Bill de Blasio crushed his Republican rival, Joe Lhota, by 49 points in 2013, more than a few New Yorkers were worried. De Blasio was an unabashed leftist who proudly served with Nicaragua's Sandinistas and fervently condemned economic inequality, especially the pro-business administration of ...
Regardless of what dog you have in the Ukrainian turmoil, it is clear that Putin's plan is crude, transparent, and guaranteed to anger nearly everyone. Does anyone really believe that these "Ukrainian separatists" are native Ukrainian, given their Russian military uniforms, accents, and ...
If a curious Martian were to suddenly visit Earth, the brouhaha surrounding Donald Sterling's racist rant would be deeply perplexing. You see, Martians are like Vulcans, and can only think logically and scientifically, so severely punishing a harmless private conversation would baffle them. Surely, ...
Last Tuesday, the U.S. Supreme Court decided by a 6-2 margin that the 2006 Michigan voter-initiated ban on racial preferences in college admission was constitutional. Superficially, the Schuette v. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action ruling seemed a momentous if not explosive decision. The five ...
Since the 1960s we have spent trillions to uplift the bottom. All nostrums, whether liberal or conservative, free market or statist, have failed and there is nothing on the agenda that offers any hope. The latest, President Obama's My Brother's Keeper scheme to help struggling young men of color, ...
As the civil-rights movement settles into stagnation and one nostrum after the next fails to move the needle, public rituals celebrating the faith have become de rigueur. Nowhere is this religion-like activity more visible than when people beseech prestige universities to open their doors for more ...
American has a "youth" problem or, as sometimes put, a problem with “youfs” or “teens” or even “thugs.” Most people correctly understand this as underclass black teenagers (of both sexes) waging a violent war on whites. In some instances the targets are ...
Offensive sports team nicknames are yet again in the news and, as usual, the Washington Redskins are the target of attention. Slate.com (owned by the Washington Post) has officially banned “Redskins,” though the Post itself continues to use it. President Obama added his two cents when ...
The PC suppression of heretical thinking seemingly grows stronger by the day. Innocuous comments and the "wrong" scientific research findings are now often taboo. Not even Harvard’s president or the Nobel Prize-winning geneticist James Watson can escape the witch hunt. The costs of ...