Michel de Nostredame

Propheting From Disaster

With the recent 80th-anniversary celebrations of D-Day, it seems an appropriate time for us all to ask ourselves, when will World War III begin? As soon as 18 June, apparently. So says Kushal Kumar, an Indian Vedic astrologer who went viral late last month after warning that, according to his own complex calculations, “Tuesday, June 18, 2024, has the strongest planetary stimulus to trigger WW3, although June 10 and 29 may have a say as well.” Kumar should apply for a new job at the Kremlin. As Russian President Vladimir Putin’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine did not quite go as well as his ...

Stengel's Squad

Feud for Thought

How seriously should whites take the ever-increasing levels of racial hate expressed toward them in outlets such as The New York Times and Washington Post? Perhaps the fad over ...

End State: Tolerant or Totalitarian?

We all sit down on occasion and have a good natter, putting worlds to right and solving all of our problems. Totalitarian solutions may be jokingly suggested and laughed off—if ...

St. Pancras Station, London

In the Euston Road

Traveling between England and France recently was a profoundly depressing experience. First I had to get to Euston Station and then walk the few hundred yards to St. Pancras ...

Burn Them Down

Giving credence to suspicions that rioting has engulfed the nation for four months now without officials lifting a pinkie finger to stop it because it’s actually part of a Deep ...

Riots? What Riots?

In my three decades as a media critic, this summer’s huge effort by the press to cover up the endless rioting by George Floyd’s mourners has been its most shameless and ...

The Real World Reasserts Itself

Since the death of George Floyd beneath the knee of a cop in Minneapolis on Memorial Day, the nation has been instructed by its cultural elites that this is the daily reality that ...

American ‘Stormtroopers’ — A Bright Shining Lie

With the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse under nightly siege from violent radicals, and Portland's police hard-pressed to protect it, President Trump sent in federal ...

Man to Monkey

It was very predictable that after months of house arrest and a 24/7 fear campaign, any spark would cause a fire that would be difficult to put out. The new barbarians are ...

How Long Will the Vandals Run Amok?

The left's war on America's past crossed several new frontiers last week. Portland's statue of George Washington, the Father of his Country and the first president of the United ...

Gradually, Then Suddenly

Well, it’s happening. The shit’s going down. If the world isn’t ending, at least the one we knew passed away about a month ago. This article is being published on the ...

Do Black Feelings Matter Too Much?

Atlanta was burning two weeks ago after a white cop in Minneapolis killed a black criminal who resisted arrest. Now it’s burning again over a white Atlanta cop shooting and ...

Blaming God for Coronavirus

At a time when it can safely be said that no one on Earth is certain exactly what is happening with this whole coronavirus shebang, it’s dispiriting to see so many people ...

The Apocalyptic Sneeze

Since Marco Polo, Italy has always been the first European recipient of Chinese products. It happened with la pasta and today it happens with coronavirus. Currently the entire ...

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