Republicans’ Latest Diversity Train Wreck

Republicans' embrace of "diversity" has been an unmitigated disaster, as illustrated most recently by Sen. Katie Britt, whose response to President Biden's State of the Union address came with a double dose of diversity. Why was this first-term senator chosen? To boost her reelection chances? She's from the reddest state in the Union, won her last election by 30 points, and her term doesn't end until 2026. Because she's an amazing public speaker? Quite obviously, it wasn't that. She gave the response because she's not a white male. The last time Republicans picked a white man to give the ...

Ilhan Omar

It’s Another Taqqiya Sunrise

Call me old-fashioned, but I’m of the belief that when you come to our shores as an immigrant, you in some way, shape, or form are seeking a better life for yourself and your ...

Land of the Libtards

Annual Excessive Gay Pride Month is here, and, as emblems of the Rainbow Reich are forcibly hoisted everywhere like sodomite swastikas, it seems to many as if the world has gone ...

Open Letter From a Closed Mind

For the moment—though for how long, one does not know—the Oxford University Press is sticking to its guns. Good for it! In these days of moral cowardice that is both profound ...

Winston Churchill, Glasgow 1918

All Queer on the Western Front

Today, 24 April 2023, marks seventy years since Winston Churchill got down on one knee and allowed Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to dub him into a “Sir”—but was the true ...

This Thanksgiving, Joy-Ann Reid Has Much to be Thankful for

Why such a sourpuss, Joy-Ann? On the whole, life and MSNBC are treating you pretty well. And yet, over the last 10 years, you have complained pretty much nonstop about how badly ...

Gender Psychosis

I was born in 1961, so I know the stark differences between the old taboos and the new ones. And having watched the changes occur in slow motion, I realize that new taboos often ...

Penis Story Collapses in Flaccid Hearsay

If I can produce someone who saw John Roberts' penis in college, can we get the Obamacare opinion overturned? As all MSNBC viewers are well aware, last Sunday's edition of The ...

Multicultural Frauds

The eventual price of affluence, in both the individual and his culture, is the weakening of the judgment. Softened by sentimentalism, and reflecting moral and spiritual ...

Richard Grenell

The Gospel of Gay Imperialism

I trust that some of my Takimag readers, following my writing as they do on Twitter, have read my recent appreciation for the Trump administration’s project of gay imperialism, ...

The Social Justice Strangler Gets a Free Pass

“Reality hits you hard, bro” is a phrase that was immortalized in a 2011 viral news interview with Arizona “eccentric” George Lindell following a violent car accident. In ...

Analyze This

Everyone’s rather angry nowadays. Women, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, blacks, Hispanics, American Indians, people with special needs, college students, college professors, ...

Haven Monahan to Testify in Kavanaugh Hearings

If this is what the left pulls against a sweet nerd like Brett Kavanaugh, I can't wait for the hearings to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg! Observers of the passing scene were not ...

Bourgeois and Boring

“Passion. Purpose. Pride.” The three words were emblazoned on her black T-shirt. Rainbow-colored and printed in undulating font, the three-word tautogram hung below the ...

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