Shortly before Milton Friedman's death in 2006, I had the privilege of interviewing him over dinner in San Francisco. The last question I asked him was: What are the three things we have to do to make America more prosperous? His answer I have never forgotten: "First, allow universal school choice; second, expand free trade; third and most importantly, cut government spending." That was long before Barack Obama and Joe Biden came along. There aren't too many problems in America that can't be traced back to the growth of big and incompetent government. "There aren't too many problems in ...
You may have heard that last week 24 Nobel economists wrote that Vice President Kamala Harris' economic plan would be better for America than the Trump agenda. The joint letter was spearheaded by the ...
Everything that is happening in our fractured nation today seems so worrisomely reminiscent of America's last lost decade -- the 1970s. For those who don't remember, the late 1970s under part-time ...
Repeat after me, class: Growth does NOT cause inflation. Write it on the blackboard 100 times. For decades, the economics profession has been trying to tell us all just the ...
Fitch Ratings just downgraded the U.S. government's credit rating due in part to Congress's erosion in governance. Indeed, year after year, we see the same political theater ...
Banking is just about the most regulated industry in America. Yet, as we saw with the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and others in recent months, lenders are not invulnerable to ...
Politics is sometimes little more than marketing. As evidence, behold the sudden use of the term "Bidenomics" by Democrats to describe administration policies of the past few ...
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre recently reiterated a point the Biden White House has been making for the past year: that inflation remains high not because of the ...
As elections approach, sweeping generalizations have a certain allure that often energizes the frustrated and captivates the hopeful. However, it's essential that we as voters ...
Word out of the White House is that President Joe Biden wants to tout his economic successes. He's even embracing the slogan "Bidenomics" -- which most people think is a term of ...
A policy question these days that has befuddled federal lawmakers is why so many millions of people have not returned to the workplace in the post-COVID-19 era. The labor force ...
How many times have you heard President Joe Biden or Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT) berate the Trump tax cuts as "a giveaway to the rich"? Biden and ...
The federal government is running annual $1 trillion to $2 trillion budget deficits, which is more than the entire gross domestic product of most nations. But if you believed that ...
“It is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things.” —Henry David Thoreau, Walden (1854) Long ago, in a universe of sane fiscal policy far, far away, there ...
According to a poll carried out by the Figaro newspaper, only 17% of the French believe that 2014 will be a good year, but in fact it started very well for France. Only 1,064 cars ...
Americans can learn much from Israel. It’s an increasingly prosperous nation that grapples manfully with its problems. For example, when the Israelis put up a fence along ...