Last week it was annual Holocaust Memorial Day—ironically, I personally failed to remember this fact, otherwise I would have written this present column to fit in with it. However, I was soon reminded of the occasion after being alerted in the media to the highly surprising information that the Nazis were poised to return to power in Germany in about a month or so’s time now, before immediately re-embarking upon a comprehensive program of reinvading Poland and France, firing V-2s at London, and killing all the Jews. Germany has national elections in February and, according to the ...
One evening a couple of weeks ago, I happened with my wife to be walking past the Queen Elizabeth II Centre in Westminster, in London, while there was a small but noisy demonstration going on. We ...
Just before New Year's Eve 2017, President Trump told The New York Times' Michael Schmidt: "Another reason that I'm going to win another four years is because newspapers, television, all forms of ...
I’d reckon that if you had to undergo four different above-the-neck surgeries on the same morning, you’d probably lie low for the next week, recover, and take all your pain ...
The president has become “completely unhinged,” Jimmy Kimmel told his viewers on Tuesday night. He had just canceled all their scheduled programming to focus on the ...
I"ve been called a fascist roughly six million times, and though I feel it's an inaccurate description of my beliefs and temperament, I can see how people might get that ...
“Fascism” is the preferred political swear word of the left. Fascism was largely a European phenomenon, and an anticapitalist one to boot. In America we got ...
I’ve met Toronto City Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti only once, at this summer’s Dyke March. (The “real” Pride Parade happens the first Sunday in July, but the Daughters of ...
Watching events unspool in the Wisconsin State Capitol over the past few days, one would think the world is ending. In a very specific sense, it is"or at least I hope so. It ...
New Zealander K.R. Bolton has sent for my benefit a self-published work, Thinkers of the Right: Challenging Materialism, which is one of the most enlightening studies of the ...