The Week’s Most Narrowing, Harrowing, and Cupid-Arrowing Headlines HURTY GURDY It was the worst week for Sweden since that time the Muppet chef made ribbestek and nobody ever saw Miss Piggy again. First, there was Salwan Momika, an Iraqi atheist and TikTok prankster residing in Stockholm. Momika’s favorite online gag was to burn Qurans while telling Muslims to “come and get me.” So last week Muslims came and got him; Momika was shot dead on his balcony while performing his latest stunt, burning copies of Sweden’s only contribution to Western lit: Pippi Longstocking. While ...
The Week’s Most Larking, Barking, and Rosa Parking Headlines BUS BOYS As reported last week, L.A. Metro made all subway rides free during the course of the fire emergencies in the city. The result ...
The Week’s Most Shaking, Baking, and Year-of-the-Snaking Headlines DOODLER DIDDLER Darrin Bell had it all...Pulitzer-winning Trump-hating black political cartoonist for the WaPo and syndicated ...
The Week’s Most Tiresome, Miresome, and On-Firesome Headlines CLOWNTOWN L.A. You know you have a frail infrastructure when a birthday clown can cripple your power grid. Two ...
The Week’s Most Swelling, Smelling, and Biden-Farewelling Headlines GRANDMA THROWSES Animal rights, animal wrongs. A new study claims that vegans are more likely to be ...
The Week’s Most Aching, Staking, and Resolution-Breaking Headlines MALAISE AT REST Jimmy Carter has passed, and whatever your political affiliation, everyone can agree that ...
The Week’s Most Leary, Dreary, and New Yeary Headlines INMATE, OUTMATE Biden concluded 2024 by commuting the sentences of every federal death row inmate, including ...
The Week’s Most Mingling, Singling, and Kris Kringling Headlines A DINGBAT ATE ME BABY Remember the good old days when Australians and New Zealanders were thought of as rugged ...
The Week’s Most Snowing, Blowing, and Ho-Ho-Ho-ing Headlines DEARTH PENALTY Scandinavians have a problem when it comes to crime and punishment. As in, they don’t punish ...
The Week’s Most Barreling, Caroling, and Gay-Appareling Headlines OLD MAN RAGING RIVER This post-Thanksgiving story could be subtitled “jive turkey becomes unalive ...
The Week’s Most Wrecking, Henpecking, and Hall-Decking Headlines OH, FOR GOODNESS SAKÉ The word is out in L.A.: Don’t drink the water. Because another wacky Asian chick has ...
The Week’s Most Sectioning, Detectioning, and Post-Electioning Headlines ALMOND JOYLESS Kamala Harris should’ve seen the warning signs. When the sequel to the Joaquin Phoenix ...
The Week’s Most Embering, Dismembering, and Novembering Headlines OCTOBER SURPRISE? MORE LIKE OCTOBER COW-PIES Americans need a refresher on the concept of “October ...
The Week’s Most Meaty, Peaty, and Trick-or-Treaty Headlines MOAT-TOWN With the L.A. Dodgers in the World Series—and with ticket prices reaching Taylor Swift concert-level ...
The Week’s Most Clowny, Frowny, and All-the-Leaves-Are-Browny Headlines NEXT-OF-QUINCEAÑERA Dia de los Muertos came early in Oklahoma City last week, as a shoot-out at a ...
The Week’s Most Slippery, Zippery, and Yom Kippury Headlines REDUN-DUNCE When it comes to humor, there’s commitment to a bit, and then there’s Tommy Cooper. Cooper was a ...