Sex and soldiers are the forces of life and death crashing into one another. It gets animalistic. It gets filmed. Luckily for me, the Ministry of Defence had decided to treat the ...
"They"re racist and they"ll kick your head in," a white man named Paul warned me outside a convenience store in Burnley. He"d heard I was starting basic ...
We used to joke about PTSD in the army. We used to call it the "new backache," meaning something doctors couldn"t prove but would get you out of work. Malingerers ...
He saw people stare, but he looked right through them. His mind was on something satisfying. A distant thought made him smile. The bands on his right wrist read "Parachute ...
The word "hero" should not apply to every man and woman serving in the military. To blindly term everyone a hero takes away from those who do something extraordinary. It's ...
There are over seven thousand dead in Syria now. What are the Syrian soldiers thinking? The last post Marie Colvin made before her death tells us they"re "shelling a city ...
Should we seek the deeper meaning in the video of US Marines urinating on Taliban combatants’ dead bodies in the wilds of Afghanistan? What does it tell us about our ...
Ten years ago, I watched the Twin Towers fall. A San Francisco Examiner headline the next day summed up my feelings fairly well: “Bastards!” Of course we had to fight back. I ...
When the Berlin Wall fell in 1989 and effectively ended the Cold War, there was tremendous relief and a sense of hope for the future. One writer even boldly declared that it ...
Barack Obama campaigned for president on a promise to end the war in Iraq and "finish the job against al Qaeda in Afghanistan." More than two years after he took the oath ...
Before the United States plunges into a third war in the Middle East, let us think this one through, as we did not the last two. What would be the purpose of establishing a ...
If actions speak louder than words, President Obama is cutting America free of George Bush’s wars and coming home. For his bottom line Tuesday night was that all U.S. ...
Gauging politicians and pundits’ various reactions to President Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize last week was amusing. Even more amusing was the reaction from American ...
Whenever I discuss the colossal mistake that was (is) the Iraq war and the embarrassing lack of WMDs, some defender of that war always insists that “everyone” thought ...
In two successive editorials in the Washington Post, George Will has officially announced that it's time to bring our national boondoggles to an end and begin pulling out of ...
In Britain, they"re getting antsy about Obama's war " the "Af-Pak" [.pdf] war, that is. Without the poodle Tony Blair to cover for us, Britain's ruling Labor Party ...