President Donald Trump

Freedom Under Trump

Donald Trump recently spoke at the Libertarian National Convention. Good for him. It's encouraging that he reached out to those of us who often disagree with him. We libertarians put individual liberty first. We think government that governs least governs best. That's a reason we fear today's Democrats. In their eagerness to tax and regulate, while throwing newly printed money at a thousand special interests, we fear they will destroy our future. "We want a government that does less, better." So, Trump won applause saying, "I have been indicted by the government on 91 different things. If ...

Trump’s Endorsement Got DeSantis Nothing

Donald Trump is indignant that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis would dare run for president when he KNOWS Trump is running. According to the former president and big baby, this is a ...

Trump Good and Evil

The Stossel TV Studio is just a block from Trump Tower. Today, noisy helicopters hover, and sidewalks are pointlessly blocked by the usual politics/media excess: too many ...

Georgia State Capitol

That Old Trump Magic!

The fact that Herschel Walker barely lost his Senate runoff in Georgia demonstrates beyond a doubt that ANY OTHER REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE WOULD HAVE WON. This is kind of important. ...

Sandro Botticelli, Adoration of the Magi (circa 1475).

The Woke Chokehold

One of the most astonishing things about the woke is their high boredom threshold. They seem to have the same thoughts about the same subjects, expressed in the same language, all ...

Checked Out

In a supermarket in France recently, I noticed that the young woman at the till wore a badge designating her as an hôtesse de caisse—a till hostess. Not long before, she had ...

Washington, D.C.

The Wrath of Con Men

Anger can be constructive; it can motivate people to fight noble battles and right egregious wrongs. Anger can also be nonconstructive. It can distract people from genuine ...

Boris Johnson

The Boris Johnson Show Is Over

When Sir Anthony Eden was pressed as to whether he would remain as British prime minister in 1958, he had the following to say: “I do not feel that it is right for me to ...

Donald Trump

Media Gone Wild (Over Trump!)

If you really, really miss Donald Trump, MSNBC may just be for you! Biden is cratering, fuel prices are skyrocketing (hey, anybody seen Greta Thunberg?), hundreds of thousands of ...

Mau-Mauing at ‘The New York Times’

Donald McNeil worked at The New York Times for 45 years. He was recently nominated for the Pulitzer Prize for his articles on the pandemic. In a discussion several years ago with ...

Donald J. Trump

Most Disloyal Man in History Finally Finds a Cause Worth Fighting For

Why, in the last 12 days of his presidency, did Donald Trump suddenly become the authoritarian of liberal fantasies? He sure wasn't an authoritarian for the past four years -- he ...

President Trump

The Election is Over. Here’s the Truth About Trump

Now that the Georgia runoffs are over, let's talk about Donald Trump. When we really needed all hands on deck in Georgia, Trump was a wrecking ball. He went down to Georgia and ...

CNN and Fox News Report on the Rise of Hitler

While listening to news reports of what a monstrous threat Iran is, I've been wracking my brain to think of a single terrorist attack in this country committed by an Iranian. If ...

Trump the Dying Rabbi

Menachem Schneerson was the beloved leader of the Lubavitcher sect of Hasidic Jews. So esteemed was this New York-dwelling rebbe that many of his followers believed he was the ...

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