Bunky Mortimer

Bunky Mortimer

Bunky Mortimer is related to one of the grandest Anglo-Saxon Protestant families in the United States. He is sort of a black sheep in the family, but has chosen to write the truth rather than toe the line. He has been married three times, and is a recovering alcoholic.

The Plague of Ideas

If our time is defined by anything, it is the primacy of ideas over reality. Whether the issue is trangenderism, and its rejection of nature, or the assumption that “human rights” and democracy are universal values to be imposed at gunpoint on other societies, we value abstractions more than ...

The End of Great Power Politics

The prophets of international relations are eager to offer us different visions of the future. For some, American decline is destined to give rise to a new era of multipolarity. Others assert we’re already living in a bipolar system, with Beijing and Washington occupying center stage. Still ...

Leicester Cathedral, UK

The Teacup Is Empty—Ethnic Conflict in Leicester

To many onlookers, the recent disorder on the streets of Leicester probably looks like a bit of a black swan. Hindus and Muslims from parts of Leicester and beyond have gathered to fight each other in one of Britain’s oldest and most historical cities. The character of the young men taking part ...

Party to a Pandemic

The World Health Organization says another pandemic of a scale similar to the 1918 Spanish Flu, which killed 675,000 in the U.S., is a statistical certainty. Unlike the current virus, which has a virtually nonexistent mortality in children and young adults, that flu had a preponderance for those ...

M/Y Eclipse

Property Costs

Arbitrary confiscation of private property raises several alarming issues. Apart from the purely moral ones, serious legal questions surround the recent seizures of yachts, airplanes, cash, houses, and other assets belonging to private Russian individuals. This was done as part of the economic ...

Sun Tsu and the Virus From Wuhan


Adolf Hitler

The Art of Propaganda

How did Germany, arguably the most cultured and civilized nation in Europe, degenerate so quickly? The answer is propaganda. Man is a herd animal, and propaganda moves the herd. “The Art of Propaganda,” an excerpt from Mein Kampf, was republished in The New York Times in 1941. Hitler was ...

Higher Learning, Lower Ratings

I have no scientific evidence, no statistical data, that proves a decrease in beauty, just my own aging eyeballs that have been assessing the female form for decades. It’s sad what I’m seeing these days. The young women on today’s campuses eschew lipstick and makeup. They dye their hair ...

Attersee, Austria

Who Needs Freedom?

A trip through Europe has convinced me that freedom is overrated. Sure, Americans won a revolution and fought two world wars for our precious freedom. We are free to own guns, free to speak our minds no matter how simple, free to worship anyway we want. But Europeans regulate everything and it ...

Route 27

The Shinnecock Erection

The Indians are getting uppity, at least in Southampton. After a couple centuries of relative peace, the Shinnecock tribe has erected a six-story electronic billboard on otherwise advertising-free Route 27 that flouts every local zoning law. Authorities immediately obtained stop work orders, but ...


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