Moral Confusion About Immigration

In her December 21 column in The New York Times, “None of Us Deserve Citizenship,” Michelle Alexander provides an example of the dangerously utopian thinking that characterizes many leftist arguments on immigration: A radically more humane immigration system is not pie-in-the-sky, utopian ...

Woody Allen

Mind Your Business, Hypocrites

The atheist who, like me, studies and reflects on the nature of moral psychology will, I think, grant at least some social value to religion, even though he doesn’t think it’s true. So long as they can, people tend to follow their inclinations, which are frequently selfish, dishonest, ...

The Genteel Touchiness of Academics

The dubious value academics assign to cultural diversity, I argued in one of my earliest columns, stems from their own peculiar and highly competitive experiences in academe. Although cultural diversity produces nothing so much as strife, like children on the playground, academics feel obliged to ...

Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama and Other Noble Sages

The Barclays Center in Brooklyn seats 19,000, and last Saturday it was packed with liberal idolaters eager to be enlightened by the great American sage Michelle Obama, who was there to promote her new book, Becoming. The crowd wasn’t disappointed, for the belief that women can have equality ...

Racism in ‘Harper’s Magazine’

There’s a certain type of black public intellectual who is becoming increasingly common. A leftist identitarian, as it were, his constant subject is racism—namely, what he believes to be the ongoing systemic white oppression of blacks. His justification for this belief, however, is quite ...

Rhodes House, Oxford

Masochistic America

Released last Saturday, this year’s list of American Rhodes Scholars is a remarkable document. For, judging by the moral values evidenced in it, we’d hardly know that these rather accomplished young people are Americans. Consider these representative sentences from the biographical ...

Prayers for Neocons

There’s been a lot of talk among neoconservatives lately about some frightful subjects: nationalism, populism, and nativism. It’s been a touching spectacle, the air so thick with virtue that one can barely breathe, and we can only hope that the day will finally come when this group’s ...

Tucker Carlson

Antifa Comes for Tucker Carlson

Once a neoconservative, Tucker Carlson is now a man of the right. Therefore, to use the president’s essential phrase, Carlson puts America first. But there’s a price to pay for being the best conservative pundit on television. After all, so dumbed down, so decadent, and so suicidal is our ...

The Most Hated Man in America

In an age of individuals, when many people have never felt a deep and abiding sense of duty to something external to themselves, it is only too easy to be dismissive of a collective good such as nationalism, or to simplistically equate it with “white supremacy.” For many of us today, the state ...

Useful Idiots in the NFL

On Sunday, just before their teams squared off in South Philly, Carolina Panthers safety Eric Reid confronted Philadelphia Eagles safety Malcolm Jenkins. Television footage showed an angry Reid in Jenkins’ face, using language that was certainly unkind. According to Reid, Jenkins—the founder ...