
Ah, the best-laid plans of mice and untermenschen. This Jew is no happy concentration camper, as the Trump assassination attempt wrecked my summer of sleep. See, I hate summer. The weather, the bugs, the AC bills. So in June I hatched a plan: I’d go off the wagon, drink from July 1 through September, and sleep the entire summer away. I pre-wrote ten columns. That meant I could go ten weeks without having to be sober enough to be cogent. What could go wrong? Well, a John Hinckley/Mark David Chapman-looking “Rust Belt farmer mated with a pig and didn’t have the decency to kill the ...

Autocracy vs. Democracy or China vs. America?

"I've known Xi Jinping for a long time. ... He doesn't have a democratic -- with a small 'd' -- bone in his body," said Joe Biden in his first press conference as president, and ...

Birchers Redux

A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what’s going on.” ―William S. Burroughs Kicked out of the National Review bio-dome by William F. Buckley in the early ’60s, ...

The Islam Exception

Louis Smith is a British gymnast who won a silver medal in the Rio Olympics. He has just been suspended for two months by British Gymnastics because he is featured in a leaked ...

Four Ways to Save Europe

Last week, America's institutions of higher learning were in turmoil over Halloween costumes. How can minority students survive Yale if their diktats are ever subjected to ...

The Underbelly of Disbelief

What is thought to be the first public monument to atheism in the United States was unveiled Saturday in the hardscrabble, Bible-believin"€™ town of Starke, FL. A 1,500-pound ...

A Tale of Two Frances

It is not a pleasant time to be French. New head of state Francois Hollande promises to be the most ridiculous president ever to occupy the Elysee Palace. Why such a harsh ...

America’s Last Crusade

For Americans of the Greatest Generation that fought World War II and of the Silent Generation that came of age in the 1950s, the great moral and ideological cause was the Cold ...

Behind the Crack-up of the Right

In introducing his new book, Leo Strauss and the Conservative Movement in America, Paul Gottfried identifies a fundamental divide between neoconservatives and the traditional ...

Louis Farrakhan

Listening to Louis

Churchgoing New Englanders in the early settlements normally heard two sermons every Sunday"€”one in the morning and another in the afternoon, each at least two hours long. ...

The Futility of Dissidence

A few weeks ago in this space I did a Q&A with Jared Taylor of the race-realist American Renaissance website and monthly newsletter. At the time, Jared was preparing for his ...

Christian Heresies

Matthew Roberts suggests that there are presently two understandings of Christianity on the real right. One is the view taken by youthful neopagans, critically tracing our ...

A Call to the Alternative Right

As one might surmise, one doesn’t get rich by serving the HL Mencken Club. Unlike other organizations, which have claimed the "€œconservative"€ label, belonging to our ...

Whither the Alternative Right?

Long before I supported Ron Paul for president and in general, I was a staunch Pat Buchanan conservative. I still am. Giving my opinion on the radio and in print, at least twice a ...

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