President Joe Biden

Senilitygate and Mrs. Alito’s Flags

Can you imagine if The New York Times had covered the Biden White House as closely as it covered Justice Samuel Alito's wife's collection of novelty flags? The media's playing Praetorian Guard for one party isn't good for democracy, but oddly, it's not even good for the Democrats. Biden's open-mouthed, faraway stare at a nationally televised debate isn't the first shock revelation to rock a Democratic candidate in the middle of a presidential campaign. Al Gore spent 20 years boasting about his service in Vietnam. "I took my turn regularly on the perimeter in these little firebases out in ...

Magical Thinking at The New York Times

Ancient primitives -- or as we now call them, "Indigenous people whose land we stole" -- believed in talismans, voodoo, rain dances and other versions of "A preceded B, so A ...

Protecting Biden is a Full-Time Job for the Times

This is an odd line to read in The New York Times: In "a still-emerging story" (exciting, no?), Project Veritas "worked to expose personal information about the Biden family at a ...

A vigil for Daunte Wright at George Floyd Square, Minneapolis

The Daunte Wright NYT Readers Don’t Know!

They're doing it again. The New York Times is aggressively hiding relevant facts on a matter of public interest simply in order to promote the narrative of black victimhood. OK, ...

Print the Legend

This past week’s events in Wisconsin’s Kenosha and Waukesha offer useful perspectives on a recent clash between pundits Andrew Sullivan and Jonathan V. Last of The Bulwark ...

Long Live GB News

America’s famous First Amendment may be under threat de facto, but it does at least exist de jure, and one of its major modern protectorates is the media. Britain has no such ...

BBC Studios, Manchester

BBC Lapses From Its Normally Impeccable Standards of Self-Righteousness

The British Browbeating Corporation (BBC) is on the back foot this week. It has belatedly fessed up to how its flagship investigative (“truth about the stories that matter”) ...

America’s Most Gullible Journalist: “Visit Portland!”

The entire mainstream media (plus Fox News!) have been assuring us that Portland was a tranquil town, with the occasional peaceful protest ... until President Trump's storm ...

Jefferson Memorial, Washington D.C.

Whose Opinion Matters

Fascinating news from The New York Times this week! Reviewing its op-ed titled "I'm a Direct Descendant of Thomas Jefferson. Take Down His Memorial," I gather we now weigh ...

Fully Automatic Media

The tedium of the impeachment trial has at least allowed me to catch up on my reading. Apparently, there was a peaceful gun rights rally in Virginia last week that had the media ...

Why The New York Times is Unreformable and Must Die

Even before The New York Times launched its "All Slavery, All the Time" project, no one could accuse that paper of skimping on its race coverage, particularly stories about black ...

Dealing With Radicals

The great pundit James Bowman recently said, “The biggest mistake conservatives make is to suppose that Democrats control the media. In fact, the power relationship is the other ...

Ok, Let’s Talk About Charlottesville

So Joe Biden launched his presidential campaign talking about Charlottesville. This tells us that life is so good for the fabulous people on the coasts -- the only group the ...

The (Burger) King of Racism

I won’t use her real name, because she’s not a public figure. Indeed, she may be dead for all I know, although I certainly hope she isn’t. I met Tressa in 1996. She was a ...

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