The Kissinger Pardon

Henry Kissinger wrote just one of the raft of letters written to Judge Reggie Walton (373 of them altogether), the vast majority of which sought clemency for Scooter Libby. This was after Libby had been convicted by the jury but before he had been sentenced by the Judge. As one might expect, the ...

Country Club Republican

A very good friend of mine, an older woman but not old, is what you might call a Country Club Republican. She is not an "intellectual" or a rigorously logical person. On the other hand, she is not a stupid or an uncultured individual. To the contrary, she attends the Opera at Lincoln ...

3-Ball Dead

There is a nasty situation in croquet, the six-wicket American version, in which you can find yourself 3-ball dead. When this happens, your opponent has a big advantage. He is the beneficiary of your mistakes. He did not put you there; you did it to yourself. The ball which is 3-ball dead is ...

The “€œScooter”€ Libby, Jay Pollard, Marc Rich Connection

Does the “Scooter” Libby commutation story have legs? Will it make any real difference in terms of bringing back a modicum of integrity and honesty to the capital of the world’s last standing “Superpower”? Or is it just another bump in the road for an Administration ...

“€œScooter’s”€ Can of Worms

Since we last addressed the topic, Irving “Scooter” Libby was assigned a federal prison number. It certainly looked like he was headed for a Federal correctional facility, all because he refused to tell the truth about what was happening inside the Cheney Regency in the aftermath of ...

We”€™ll Always Have Paris

It’s out of control, all right. Not just the the hijacked governance of the world’s "lone surviving Superpower"—but the entire social and intellectual landscape of America. We are indeed in uncharted territory. On the one hand, we have to tolerate the intolerable, ...

Bush & Cheney: It’s Time to Resign

Logically, Cheney and Bush should resign forthwith. That is the only honest course of action. The conviction of Libby convicts them. Surely, Patrick Fitzgerald and his team realize that. But wisely, Fitzgerald has not gone after Cheney and Bush. That is not his job. That is the job of Congress. For ...

Hillary Clinton’s “€œPeace Offensive”€

Hillary Clinton has finally joined forces with Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia! Hillary wants to do it over…take another vote about invading Iraq. Can you believe it? Yes, indeed.  After almost 5 years and after all the gross, unnecessary damage has been done to America and to Iraq. ...

The Death of American Empire

We do not live in a perfect world. We live in a world of the possible, the tolerable, and/or the just barely manageable. We cannot go back to the dream of the Founding Fathers of the American Republic or to its original Constitution. To attempt to halt the present day free-for-all in America and ...

Ron Paul’s Patriotic Crimethink

The attempt by Congressman Ron Paul of Texas to discuss what happened and why--to account for the 9/11 terrorist attacks--is an enormous breakthrough on the American political landscape. The incident occurred during last week’s Republican “debate” among Presidential hopefuls and ...