Growing up as I did, in post–UDI Rhodesia, I was exposed early to the deceptive habits of wily British politicians. My adolescent naivete notwithstanding, I was puzzled and distressed by the fact that none of them seemed to have any interest in knowing the true situation on the ground, let alone ...
Watching events unfold in England, as a dangerously polarized country edges ever closer to conflict, brings me no joy despite the fact I consider myself a victim of British political perfidy. Nothing that is happening there now surprises me; in fact, the only surprise is that it has taken the ...
If you have a heart in Africa it’s probably not a good idea to read Martin Meredith’s State of Africa because if you do, it will, in all likelihood, break it. In it, he covers, in gory detail, what has happened on the continent in the postcolonial era, and while it’s riveting, it is also ...
Like most people I did not know the Queen, but I did know her husband inasmuch as I spent an afternoon with Prince Philip at Buckingham Palace almost forty years ago. Being involved in the World Wildlife Fund and related associations, he wanted to know more about safari hunting and how it could be ...
Virtually all my life—well, since I could read, write, listen, and understand—I have looked respectfully to the Western democracies of the world as examples of how successful countries should be structured, governed, and led. As an African of European descent I have long longed for the day our ...
We are probably few in number, but for those of us Africans, of all races, who have long been hoping something would change for the better, the future may never have looked bleaker, in my humble opinion. Since independence, I think it is safe to say that the quality of governance in sub-Saharan ...
Donald Trump got himself into terrible trouble for referring to some African countries as “s---holes.” The fact is, most people who live in those countries would probably agree with him, but the truth matters little these days. The Biden administration will probably revert to type, forgive all ...
White people everywhere, including my own children, are being encouraged, in some cases compelled, to acknowledge guilt for the cardinal crime of being born white. An entire generation has been taught, nay, indoctrinated, to understand and believe that Europeans have done almost nothing throughout ...
Beit Hall at Plumtree School is a beautiful old building built at considerable cost over 100 years ago by early Rhodesian settlers, through which future generations, involving hundreds of thousands of boys of all races, have passed on their way to acquiring the knowledge that would ready them for ...
Trying to understand the mindset and behavior of today’s liberals begins with trying to define this particular class of people. A liberal is someone who believes in a doctrine that emphasizes individual autonomy, equality of opportunity, intellectual liberty, and an acceptance of Christianity as ...