It’s over sixty years since Ghana became independent from Britain. The world celebrated as the sun began to set on the imperial era. “African Nationalism,” in the form of Ghana’s Kwame Nkrumah, entered the stage, and the world celebrated the breaking of a golden dawn bringing bright light ...
A recent article in The Spectator about Alexander Lebedev makes interesting reading; almost as interesting as the man himself. Born to parents belonging to the Soviet nomenklatura in Moscow in 1959, he studied economics and graduated in 1982 before joining the KGB. Posted to London in the late ...
We hear an awful lot these days about the lamentable prevalence of mental cruelty being inflicted upon children, so it is with this in mind I reflect on the millions of apparently traumatized teenagers around the world who have taken to the streets recently to vent their fury and express their ...
I’ve said it before, but I think I can confidently state that I belong to one of the most hated minorities on the planet. Born in Rhodesia, of Afrikaans and German parentage, I’m a 63-year-old white, male, Christian heterosexual and I was a soldier in an army, internationally vilified as being ...
The African elephant issue is an extremely complex and divisive one, drawing attention from around the globe. Right now, the argument over whether or not to reopen safari hunting is fracturing the Botswana political establishment at the highest level as a presidential election looms. In a nutshell ...
I’m no fan of English politicians. Born a Rhodesian, I consider myself a casualty, having been on the receiving end of their deceit and moral cowardice when they deemed it expedient to abandon principle, promises, and their own kith and kin, simply because the world suddenly decided that ...
On 11 December the South African Constitutional Court delivered a scathing judgment against former president Jacob Zuma’s decision in 2014 to support a Mugabe-initiated pseudo-legal maneuver to block a South African Development Community (SADC) tribunal ruling. This court had been constituted at ...
I fear not enough people are likely to read Colonel Eeben Barlow’s book Executive Outcomes: Against All Odds, which offers a detailed account of his eventful life as a crack South African soldier, spy, and covert operative, followed by his exploits as head of the potent private military company ...
The continental catastrophe that has engulfed Africa may go down in history as the greatest politically motivated human calamity of all time. Hundreds of millions of poverty-stricken people are getting poorer while an ever-diminishing, tiny elite get richer and richer. Central authority in most ...
As a father of two impressionable teenage girls, I am having a tough and at times frustrating time trying to undo the damage done at school in the course of their history studies, where they seem to be learning little about European civilization other than that we “palefaces” should be ...