Malcolm Horne, a London barrister, has written in very blunt terms regarding the planned land grab in South Africa: “You cannot have land expropriation without compensation. It is illegal under international law. It is contrary to a dozen treaties that South Africa has signed and ratified. As ...
After 37 years of murderous and destructive rule, it looks like the curtain is finally coming down on the Mugabe regime. Military coups are seldom welcome, but few of Zimbabwe’s beleaguered citizenry are unhappy with this dramatic turn of events. After decades of misery, the prospect of life ...
In South Africa the mood across the media and political spectrum is one of jubilation. On Wednesday last week the finance minister announced the country was bankrupt and offered no ideas on how he was going to revive the country’s failing fortunes. The currency is tanking as investors take ...
It's been almost sixty years since Ghana became independent from Britain. The world celebrated as the sun began to set on the age of European imperialism. "African nationalism" in the form of Ghana's Kwame Nkrumah entered the stage, and all cheered the breaking of a golden dawn bringing ...
In the face of global hysteria bordering on madness I have to take a deep breath and grit my teeth to humbly offer a few temperate words. I write not in defense of Walter Palmer, Theo Bronkhorst, or Honest Ndlovu (who now need no introduction) but because I care about wildlife and"unlike the ...
Police opened fire on a surging mob of angry mine workers on August 16th at South Africa's Marikana platinum mine. When the guns went quiet, 34 were dead and at least 78 wounded. This came a few days after the killing of 10"including a pair of policemen who were hacked to death"bringing the ...
The great South African Ernie Els recently won the British Open golf tournament in epic style. In victory he was gracious, kind, and humble. But then, as is the norm for white South Africans in the limelight, Els went on to praise Nelson Mandela: I’ve got to thank, obviously, first of all, ...
As a white man born and bred in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) who has watched events unfold both in my home country and in the African subcontinent, I look at the United States and Western Europe with a sense of having seen the same horror movie before. I fear my fellow palefaces abroad are rapidly ...
In his book The Trouble With Africa, Robert Calderisi recounts the sad story of two African teenagers who stowed away in the cargo hold of a Brussels-bound Airbus. They died on the journey from asphyxiation and cold. One of them was still clutching a crumpled note that lamented their misery while ...
Former Liberian President Charles Taylor has become the first African head of state to be convicted of a crime by an international court and the first national leader anywhere since Admiral Karl Dönitz at Nuremburg. Presiding Judge Richard Lussick, reading a unanimous finding, found Taylor ...