The Christmas holidays are now over, leaving your kids safely back in school—to the probable relief of some parents. For such child-phobic adults, a new and innovative solution to the problem of home child-care is now available: Why not fail your forthcoming Compulsory Fitness to Rear Children Test and have them stolen away from you forever by the now-quite-literal Nanny State? Late last year, a paper of truly breathtaking moral superiority appeared in the Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy titled “The Kids Aren’t Alright: Expanding the Role of the State in Parenting” by an ...
I was innocently reading my New York Times last week when I was startled by this ghastly headline: "Judge Let Abusive Parents Keep Daughter. Days Later, She Was Dead." As we shall see, this wasn't ...
What's worse? When politicians shut down the government, or when they lock down businesses, stores, schools, churches and restaurants -- and nearly all private commerce in America? If you haven't ...
This week, ABC News reporter Jonathan Karl asked Dr. Anthony Fauci, the soon-departing head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, if it was a "mistake" for ...
The left's enthusiasm for Third World immigrants isn't only because they vote 8-2 for the Democrats. It's that Latin American peasants seem uniquely amenable to idiotic socialist ...
You probably have heard of the Anti-Defamation League, AKA the ADL. If not, the mainstream press will immediately spring to attention and inform you that they are an “anti-hate ...
With the spectacular failure of clinical psychologist Dr. Prof. Christine Blasey Ford’s vague charges against Brett Kavanaugh to elicit any corroborating evidence, moral ...
It was a beautiful day in Paris for a demonstration, brilliantly sunny and not too hot, and the crowds were out: obviously bourgeois, prosperous, well-behaved, and not at all ...
In mid-July, while Donald Trump’s visit was upsetting thousands of easily offended (and, one suspects, eagerly offended) Londoners, a small band of “student activists” were ...
Liberal policies have been “separating children from their parents” for years. The beasts! What kind of monsters deliberately separate innocent children from their parents? ...
I found out last week that the Wendy Bell lawsuit, which I covered in November 2016, has been settled. Bell was a popular anchorwoman at ABC affiliate WTAE in Pittsburgh. In early ...
I hate to say this, because the last thing I ever want to sound like is a writer for Salon, but damn, this “debate” over school shootings is so very…white. I’ve ...
On 30 March, 1933, the great German recorder of daily life under the Third Reich, Victor Klemperer, noticed a balloon in a toy shop inscribed with a swastika. In my newspaper on ...
"Virtuous pedophile" Todd Nickerson is back and he"d like to remind us that although he wants to molest children, he resists, so don"t you dare call him a child ...
It wasn’t quite the Kent State Massacre, but you wouldn’t know it from the students’ anguished wails. Last Monday morning, students at Emory University here in ...
In celebration of Black History Month, the entire student population of a Virginia high school was assembled together in early February and forced to endure the collective ...