When I encounter facts that run contrary to my beliefs, I embrace the facts and abandon my beliefs. I wish the rest of the world was like me. I was around eight years old when the evidence against Santa Claus became too overwhelming for me to continue believing in him. My arrogant and dickheadedly ...
A year ago in Cairo, Barack Hussein Obama addressed the Muslim world with the same buttock-splayed obsequiousness he exhibits toward all of America's blood enemies. Citing "civilization's debt to Islam," he credited Mohammedan culture with the development of algebra, the magnetic compass, ...
I’m a big fan of black hate groups, at least from a theatrical perspective. And when it comes to hateful theatrics, the New Black Panther Party are no slouches. These cats are so extreme, even the Southern Poverty Law Center won"t give them a free pass merely because they"re black. ...
Robert Byrd, after living nearly as long as Methuselah and having served in the US Senate since shortly after Brutus stabbed Caesar, has died. Throughout his unpardonably lengthy stint as a public servant, he represented the rollingly rural hills of West Virginia, America's third-whitest ...
We need to do our part to let BP know there are consequences for causing something like this… The more costly their punishment, the more money they will spend to make sure disasters like this don’t happen again. It’s plain and simple capitalism. —Jonathan Davis of rock ...
I live in Georgia. My congressional representative is Hank Johnson, a Democrat whom I am unafraid to call stupid. In April at a House Armed Services Committee hearing, Johnson expressed genuine concern that sending more personnel to Guam would cause the island to "tip over and capsize." ...
Starting shortly before noon last Wednesday, the curly-haired and elfin-faced Kentucky Senator Rand Paul spent thirteen hours filibusterin’ Barack Obama and Eric Holder’s balls about whether the federal government claimed the right to kill American citizens on US soil without trial. His ...