While leftist extremists continue to violently tear down everything they can get their dirty mitts on throughout the nation, their enablers in the mainstream press are warning us about yet another looming wave of white-supremacist far-right violence that, as usual, is almost entirely ...
It’s impossible to convince people that the phrase “Black Lives Matter” is an opinion rather than a fact in a world that long ago forgot the difference between opinions and facts. To me, very few lives matter—mine, and a handful of people I love. And that’s it. But we are clobbered over ...
The 1977 ABC miniseries Roots—despite its slew of historical inaccuracies and outright fabrications—injected lethal doses of guilt into white America’s collective unconscious when it first aired. But over 40 years later, its main narrative remains welded into the public consciousness: There ...
Well, it’s happening. The shit’s going down. If the world isn’t ending, at least the one we knew passed away about a month ago. This article is being published on the second day of what will likely be the longest summer in American history. After a hyper-claustrophobic national lockdown that ...
Atlanta was burning two weeks ago after a white cop in Minneapolis killed a black criminal who resisted arrest. Now it’s burning again over a white Atlanta cop shooting and killing a black criminal who resisted arrest. On Friday night, police responded to a call about a black male who was ...
Sometime in the late 1970s I was a wandering white boy who found myself at an anarchist bookstore in Center City Philadelphia called The Wooden Shoe, where I spotted a little red book called The Sayings of Chairman Frank, or I Never Saw My Mother Naked. Designed with a wink to Chairman Mao’s ...
The peaceful protesters turned violent on Friday night here in the Atlanta area, sacking and burning downtown as well as the cushy-cushy Lenox Mall in the high-priced Buckhead neighborhood, grabbing every last trinket and bauble that these oppressed youngsters have been brainwashed to think have ...
According to authorities, 20-year-old Armando Hernandez, Jr. walked into a shopping center in Glendale, AZ last Thursday and started randomly firing his semi-automatic rifle at people because he suffered from the “feeling that women don’t want him.” Ed Leiter of Maricopa County Attorney’s ...
I was born in 1961, so I know the stark differences between the old taboos and the new ones. And having watched the changes occur in slow motion, I realize that new taboos often sprout into existence as a form of revenge against the crumbling elites who dictated the old taboos. And I distinctly ...
Armed Black Panthers are now prowling the neighborhood where Ahmaud Arbery was fatally gunned down on February 23rd, and an American public that is already stir-crazy from months of being locked down finds itself on the cusp of yet “another massive national convulsion over race.” Based merely ...