Racism: The Last Refuge of Us All?

We"€™ve all heard Samuel Johnson's famous adage about patriotism being the last refuge of a scoundrel, but I"€™ve always believed it's racism that's the last refuge of a scoundrel. Race is what you cling to when you have no meaningful achievements of your own to display. It's a safe space for ...

Howard Dean

Strange Fruit (and Assorted Nuts)

Often, when people who know me primarily through my writing meet me in person, what stands out to them the most is that I rarely cuss in person. It can be a little disconcerting, because in my writing, I cuss a lot. But one-on-one, I"€™ll usually substitute "€œfriggin"€™"€ and ...

Ernst Zundel

The (Chosen) People vs. Ernst Zundel

In the forty-year battle between Ernst Zundel and the Jews, I think we can finally declare a winner. Hold on to your hats, folks, because the end result is a real shocker. In Harry Caray voice: "€œJews win! Jews win!"€ Zundel, for those of you who don"€™t know, is a 78-year-old Holocaust ...

Be Like Mike (Pence)

Poor Bill O"€™Reilly…taken down by a combination of corporate cowardice, female coworkers, and his own boorishness. It's an ignominious end to the career of a highly successful opinion warrior. Like Stonewall Jackson being ventilated by his own boys, O"€™Reilly wasn"€™t Derbyshire"€™d ...

The Painted Turd

What is it with Republicans and Hitler? I mean, really, how difficult is it to avoid Hitler gaffes? Some of the best GOP stumbles in recent memory have involved one of two topics: Hitler or rape. Republicans become complete spastic morons when trying to negotiate those two subjects, which is odd, ...

Leo Frank

The Negro Jim Conley’s Baadasssss Song

"€œBased Matt Forney"€ occupies the section of the alt-right Venn diagram where white nationalism, irreligious moralizing about sexual perversion, and Rooshian "€œmen's rights"€ overlap. If you believe that rants against Jews seem incomplete when not accompanied by tirades against ...

The Left’s Transracial Monster

Dr. Frankenstein had nothing on leftists. Frankenstein's monster merely terrorized the countryside. The monsters birthed by the left tend to terrorize countries, cultures, and occasionally even the entire world. And like Dr. Frankenstein's hulking brute, the left's monstrosities eventually turn on ...

The Right’s Purity Pissing Contest

If there's one thing I hate, it's an inscrutable Asian. Not because of the inscrutability, mind you, but rather because I despise seeing people conform to shopworn stereotypes. Last week, L.A. Times "€œinvestigative arts reporter"€ David Ng played the role of unreadable Asian to perfection. Ng ...

My Mild 1970s Anti-Racism

Comedian Louis C.K. does a routine about growing up in the 1970s, a decade he describes as "€œvery racist."€ C.K. claims that anyone who grew up during that period is by definition racist to some extent, and the best that one can hope for is to have only "€œmild racism."€ I"€™m not ...

This Week in Jewish Self-Harm

Somebody get the naltrexone; the Jews are cutting again. Jews have a baffling tendency to resort to self-harm during times of crisis. Mind you, all professional victim groups have a self-defeatist streak. Black kids demand affirmative action so they can attend prestigious universities, only to ...