Nicki Minaj

The War on Dads

When Nicki Minaj flailed around satanically onstage in front of a scared fake priest at the Grammys last week, the Catholic Church was understandably upset. "€œWhether Minaj is possessed is surely an open question, but what is not in doubt is the irresponsibility of the Recording Academy,"€ ...

Don’t Fear the Robot: Why I Finally Joined Facebook

I recently joined this cool new social-networking site called “Facebook” because my publishers told me I had to use it to promote my book. I was reluctant to join because every time I checked my wife’s page, it showed some person she barely knows telling the world he favorited a YouTube ...

Mob Wives

Keepin’ it Real (Cheap)

When MTV’s The Real World debuted in 1992, people saw it for what it was: a silly bit of voyeurism for a bunch of stupid kids. Twenty years later, the genre it hatched is dominating prime time, and the audiences are a helluva lot older than 18. VH1’s Mob Wives owns the female 18-49 demographic, ...

Free Kim Dotcom!

Have you noticed a strange undertone of snark on 60 Minutes every time they feature an entrepreneur? When Lesley Stahl interviewed the founder of Groupon last week, she felt the need to needle him with, “Here’s some of the adjectives that were used to describe you….Thin-skinned, ...

More Urinating on the Taliban, Please

Being “the primary architect of hipsterdom” was fun when I was young, but now I’m a wizened old man who just wants to grab a cheap beer in peace. Unfortunately, I made my bed and lying in it means going to a local bar that’s blaring the Butthole Surfers so loud, I can ...

Vermin Supreme for President

On Monday, supporters of Rick Santorum clashed with Santorophobes outside a New Hampshire sports bar. Both sides were angry enough to fight about it. Talk about politics as snooze-ual. Santorum’s apparently a bigot because he’s not bananas about gays, and the “bigots” are mad that pro-gay ...

Calling All American Nazis (Is This Mic On?)

“Black church rightful owner of KKK store,” read the AP headline on Tuesday. Headlines like this excite me because I love freaks. I don’t care if they’re black supremacists, lesbian separatists, or white-power Christians who think different races go to different planets after they die. ...

10 Laws That Would Instantly Improve New York

Mayor Bloomberg is a diminutive egomaniac who wants to foist his superiority complex on us through legislation. He makes our lunches, forbids us from eating salt, and uses our money to discourage us from drinking soda pop. He may have made billions in the free market but as Lord Acton predicted, ...

Commie Muppets From Hollywood?

A few days ago, Fox News dared to imply the new Muppet movie is another example of pedantic liberal dogma. “Follow the Money” host Eric Boiling said, “liberal Hollywood depicting a successful businessman as evil? That’s not new,” to which Dan Gainor of the Media Research Center responded, ...

Make Your Own Damned Lunch

There’s currently a guilt-inducing ad campaign on the NYC subway featuring a large cup of coffee next to rows and rows of sandwiches: “For the price of one latte,” it says, “you could provide 25 school lunches.” Your first instinct as a non-poor person is to think, “What a piece of shit ...