The Week’s Most Terse, Diverse, and Perverse Headlines TUCKER CARLSON QUESTIONS DIVERSITY Anyone who understands what words mean realizes that diversity doesn’t signify strength; instead, it sows division. Still, most people are dumb enough that they only need to be clubbed in the head with ...
In this first installment of what will be a monthly column, we review the world migrant crisis. From every angle that we’ve had the displeasure of examining it, the great global “refugee crisis” that started around 2011 as a result of the Syrian Civil War appears to have been deliberately ...
The Week’s Surliest, Burliest, and Girliest Headlines CELEBRATING MARX IN SPITE OF HISTORY “Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it,” wrote philosopher George Santayana, but we suspect that even he couldn’t have anticipated the glut of collective amnesia currently plaguing ...
Yes, esteemed readers and Takimag commentators, Ivanka has taken the totally irrational, illogical, short-sited, dumb, whimsical, and hormonally induced decision to shut down the comments section on Daddy’s website, if not forever, certainly for now. Some of you will not be happy to know that ...
The Week's Dinkiest, Stinkiest, and Kinkiest Headlines DONALD TRUMP's MEXICAN HOLIDAY Last week was probably the strongest one yet in Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, giving all of us racists, sexists, and xenophobes new hope for a glorious outcome this November. Taking el toro by the ...
It seemed that only minutes after the College of Cardinals selected Pope Francis as their new pontiff, the popular press was accusing him of enabling the torture of Jesuit priests in Argentina's "Dirty War" and nailing him to a cross for refusing to abandon the Church's 2,000-year-old ...
HOME Officials in NYC found that nearly 80 percent of the city's public-school graduates had to relearn basic reading, writing, or math after arriving at community college. ... A seven-year-old Maryland boy was suspended from school after chewing his strawberry tart into the shape of a mountain, ...
HOME California Rep. Maxine Waters claimed that 170 million jobs will be lost as a result of sequestration. Homeland Security released hundreds of illegal immigrants in advance of the automatic cuts. ... New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced plans to modify the strict firearm restrictions that ...
Lord Acton’s famous maxim that “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely” is such a nakedly accurate observation of human nature that one might assume no one ever needed to articulate it, much less keep reminding anyone about it. But a cornerstone of the ...
A roundup of news items from last week (and a few tidbits from the week before). HOME The White House Press Corps whined about having "absolutely no access" to Barack Obama. Less than a day after The New Republic called for a boycott of the annual correspondents" dinner, the president ...