Confessions of a Cock-Block Columnist

It’s been said that if Frank Sinatra was at a restaurant and the scene was dead, he’d tell one of his goons to trip a waiter, just to create some amusement. Well, this election season is dead. With the two main candidates chosen, there ain’t nothin’ goin’ on, and there won’t be until September. Readers say to me, “Write more about local politics, Dave!” Write about what? The DA race will get exciting, come late summer when Soros pumps billions into the contest and the billionaires on our side are like, “Instead of funding Gascon’s opponent, we’ll fund a movie ...

Writing About Small Things

Chekhov says somewhere that a writer—a real writer, that is—ought to be able to write a story about anything, an ashtray for example. Actually, I don’t think that that ...

Rich in Kitsch

Hell, wrote Jean-Paul Sartre, is other people; in which case purgatory must be other people’s taste. Every time I feel my misanthropy flagging, I go down to the local ...

Happy Happy Meals Day, Mein Führer!

The third week of April, as always, sees two of the most significant red-letter days of the year—National McDonald’s Day, on 15 April, and the birthday of Adolf Hitler, on 20 ...

The Kindness of Strangers

It is nearly Christmas—or what Google, with its acute sensitivity toward Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Buddhists, Druze, pagans, animists, atheists, agnostics, and others, calls the ...

Shamrock I and II by William Fife

The Late, Great American Anglo

“At home, ere I sailed o’er the billowy brine, A large and a liberal outlook was mine, The faults of the Briton Appeared to be written In letters remarkably fine. —Punch, ...

The Penny Black, Great Britain, 1840

Stamp of Approval

Every month when I am in England, I have lunch with an old friend in a restaurant about equidistant from our two homes, that is to say about fifty miles from each. The food is ...

Nimes Station

The Humdrum Hotel

My wife and I lingered too long over lunch and missed our train from Nîmes to Paris; not by very much, not by more than thirty seconds in fact, but here really was an ...

The Arc de Triomphe’s New Clothes

I have noticed that, in all the acres of commentary (most of it respectful or even laudatory) on the wrapping of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris with 25,000 square meters of ...

Ezra Pound by Wyndham Lewis

Whatever Happened to the “Man of the Right”?

“My goal is to save the public soul by first punching it in the face.” —Ezra Pound The main failure of the rise of the conservative right in America has been its fear of ...

Joe Biden

‘Ask Not What Your Country Is’ : The Biden Inaugural Address

I'm not at liberty to reveal my sources, but I have obtained a draft of President Joe Biden's inaugural address. (Trump, unfortunately, won't be there to hear it. He will be ...

Parthenon, Athens

Permanent Statues

I write this under an Attic sun reflecting from the marbles of the Acropolis and into my living room. This was once the center of Western civilization, its stem just hundreds of ...

Old Remedies for the New Age

While the great powers compete to invent the first vaccine against the new plague (there is more rivalry than in the boring space race for the first settler on Mars), making ...

Vive le Petit Bourgeois

There is no descriptive term in sociology, except lumpenproletariat, that serves so much as one of abuse as petit bourgeois, so much so that I doubt that anyone would proudly ...

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