Oops, We Started a Race War!

As the chaos unfolded late Thursday night in Dallas, I was struck by how many members of the media insisted the protest was peaceful and we have to remain calm. Who are these ...

Old White Guys and the Chuck Norris Rule

As this is Thanksgiving week, I thought I"€™d take a break from Muslim terrorists and social justice warriors and all the other negative stuff to give thanks for something ...

Feminists to Trannies: Stay off our TERF

As a connoisseur of leftist cannibalism, I enjoy watching the internecine squabbling of groups competing for the top spot on the hierarchy of oppression as if they were puppies ...

Sanguine Nation

Menstruation is having a moment. I don"€™t mean the fleshly, goopy one that vexes roughly half the human race. Periods, while remaining annoyingly corporeal, are once again ...

Hit Me Harder, I”€™ve Been Bad!

Mocking treasured liberal slogans is as easy as shooting (bicycle-riding) fish in a barrel. They helpfully print them on T-shirts and bumper stickers, for one thing"€”although ...

Gawker Media: Hypocrites vs. Douchecanoes

In 2002, a failed British journalist named Nick Denton started Gawker, a bitchy gossip blog run out of his Manhattan apartment. Over 10 years later, Gawker and its sister ...

Christopher Hitchens

Some Questions

Some questions are asked in a spirit of inquiry, to obtain answers, but others are asked to intimidate or badger or coerce agreement with a point of view and establish the ...

Entertainment Surfeit Disorder

The only time I regret not being much richer than I am is when I receive through the post (as I did yesterday) the catalogue of an antiquarian bookseller. Otherwise, I am more or ...

Mental Qatardation

For some fifty years now it seems that God has played a great joke on mankind, granting the best fuel reserves to undeserving desert places run by crooked camel drivers: places ...

Rust on the Iron Law of Wages

The other day I was thinking, which I know better than to do, and I started pondering the American economy, which ain"€™t got the chance of a frog in a French restaurant. Nobody ...

Weapon of Mass Infarction

Though she was short, squat, and still learning to read at age forty, none who encountered her handiwork could doubt that Suzy Simmons was numbered among the Lord's elect. She ...

Boehner Goes Limp

Once again, Republicans have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. Faced with rising populist support of their principled stand against a law that a majority of the country ...

Academy of Athens

No “€œGrecovery”€ in Sight

During a seminar organized by the International Herald Tribune entitled “Democracy Under Threat,"€ not only did Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras predict that the ...

An Apocalypse of Mediocrity

It is said, invariably with a sigh and in mournful tones, that the press is biased"€”a proposition I find puzzling. The press is supposed to have a bias. Complaining that a ...

Nadya Suleman

Octomom, Please Octodie

Nadya Suleman, you are everything that is wrong with the world at the moment. The question isn"€™t what's wrong with you"€”that's obvious. Everything is wrong with you. The ...

Squealing Versus Killing

If you are still listening to those in the political class who are falling over each other to condemn leaks from the government to the media, you’d think the leaks had ...

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