The Tournaments of Tottenham

In 1653, the year Cromwell became Lord Protector of England, there appeared the first edition of what would become a classic—Izaak Walton’s The Compleat Angler. A country then ...

You Are Now Entering…The Shariah Zone

As the world struggles to make sense of Anders Breivik’s ugly, senseless slaughter and largely incoherent online manifesto, you might have thought that the Islamist fringe would ...

A Whiff of Protest

Ego olere ergo sum. (I stink, therefore I am.) Such could be the motto of the unpleasant and unwashed who these days routinely appear on a whim to riot in London’s streets. I ...

Fuck the Public Sector

If one were to"€”hypothetically"€”shoot every other public-sector worker in the back of the head, I believe you would not notice a single blip, hiccup, or ripple in the ...

The UK: Woefully Unprepared for War

So action finally replaced inertia, the White House's dithering gave way to resolve, and the warplanes and cruise missiles are flying over Libya just in time. It has all provided ...

Coleen  Rooney

England: A Nation of Whiners in Search of Obscurity

Now is the winter of our discontent Made ever more wretched by this lack of sun. Caught in a blighted, anarchic winter's grip, Britain is beset by swine flu, influenza B, H2N3, ...

Nick Boles: England’s Arch-Modernizer

Boles, Nick. Which Way's Up?: The Future for Coalition Britain and How to Get There. London, Biteback, 2010, 133 pages, £8.99. Nick Boles not only belongs to the new generation ...

Lauren Booth Turns Toward Mecca

Last month, Tony Blair's half-sister-in-law Lauren Booth announced that she had converted to Islam following "€œa holy experience"€ in Iran. It was the latest ...

The BNP’s “€œAboriginal”€ Problem

On the 15th of October, the British National Party and the government's Equality and Human Rights Commission faced each other in court in London, for a short but significant ...

The Crown of Disenchantment

Over in Great Britain, the House of Commons recently passed the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill which, among other things, keeps the time limit on abortions at twenty-four ...

It Can”€™t Happen Here

What’s the most popular boys’ name in Britain?  If you guessed “Jack,” you’d be right.  That’s a pretty common British name—in ...

We”€™ve Only Just Begun

On Wednesday, November 28, Derrick Shareef pled guilty in U.S. District Court in Chicago on federal charges of attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction.  I’ve ...

The Threat Within

Three headlines from the month of July: ”45 Muslim doctors planned US terror raids” (from the Telegraph of London) ”Italy ‘terror school’ imam had ...

Drool Britannia

Oh, to be in England! The once upon a time green and pleasant land is now Europe’s burglary capital, the most violent country in the old continent, Albania included. It’s ...

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