The Normalisation of Crime

A few years ago, someone opened fire on me in St. John’s Wood. If you’re surprised, spare a thought for me. I was stepping onto the crosswalk leading toward Regent’s Park ...

Theresa May

Equality Is a Flesh-Eating Bug Destroying the Tories From the Inside

The ripples from Harvey Weinstein’s considerable bulk are now lapping at the Palace of Westminster. This week the British Defence Secretary, Sir Michael Fallon, resigned over ...

Westminster, U.K.

The Shipbuilder’s Words

In the first chapter of Shadows of Empire, a novel I wrote twenty years ago, an old shipbuilder and shipping magnate, in conversation with his grandson, my narrator, speaks up in ...

Political Lightweights

People often complain about the professionalism of politics today, but the truth is, at the top level, our politicians aren"€™t half professional enough. They lack staying ...

Our Slippery Prime Minister

"€œThe lady's not for turning,"€ famously declared Margaret Thatcher, and to her credit the Old Girl rarely did. Not so the second woman to become prime minister of the still ...

From Brexit to Breakdown

The United Kingdom isn"€™t as old as most people seem to think it is. In its present form it won"€™t reach its centenary till 2022"€”assuming it gets there. It was created ...

A Radical Thought

History doesn"€™t repeat itself. Nevertheless, comparisons between the present and the past may be helpful"€”so long, at least, as one recognizes that circumstances are ...

Blair Is Back

Tony Blair sought to return to frontline politics last week with a speech to the Open Britain movement, in which he called on those of us who voted to remain in the European Union ...

A Vote to Remain

The polls this morning (June 14) indicate that Brexit will win, and the United Kingdom will be on course to leave the E.U. It's depressing. The shrill intolerance and xenophobia ...

7 Stupidest Things Said by British MPs During the Trump Debate

Monday saw arguably the most asinine debate by British parliamentarians that has ever been held in Westminster Hall. The debate was triggered by an online petition having obtained ...

Reflections on the English Identity

I was standing in Stamford, Lincolnshire on Saturday, admiring as always the architecture so splendidly Georgian it is used for filming Jane Austen adaptations. But that day the ...

Jon Snow

Tepee Time in London

Guardian journalist Zoe Williams is worried. "€œIs the left in Britain still alive and well?"€ she asks. Apparently, "€œno one quite knows where it has gone, or what it ...

Nigel Farage

The UKIP Omnibus

As May 7th bulks ever bigger on the political horizon, the UKIP omnibus has developed serious rattles. As the campaign pounds punishingly on, the insurgents"€™ inexperience is ...

The Secret State vs. Enemies of State

When Mohammed Emwazi went out from west London to Syria literally to carve out a new career as "€œJihadi John"€, masked avenger of non-wrongs, England lost an "€œextremely ...

The Stubborn Allure of Simple Ideas

One of the reasons I read the liberal newspapers when I am in Britain"€”apart from the fact that they are the best"€”is that they irritate me so by their smug ...

Maria Miller MP

An Honest Day’s Pay

The latest British parliamentary spat was a further ripple from the scandal about MPs"€™ expenses that first splashed into our headlines in 2009. In December 2012, it was ...

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