Hate Speech: The New Pornography

As resident Taki’s Mag sage Theodore Dalrymple once observed, “If we are not prudish about one thing, we are prudish about another, the total amount of prudery remaining ...

Who Benefits From Immigration? Not you!

Assiduous readers of my column know that I have frequently made the point that America's immigration policies benefit only three groups of people: 1) rich Americans with a lot of ...

Psychology’s War on Men

It’s often been pointed out that Jordan Peterson’s huge following is mostly male. And there are good reasons for this sex difference. Peterson’s themes of tragedy, personal ...

Ron Karenga

Happy Kwanzaa! The Holiday Brought to You By the FBI

The day after Christmas, President Trump issued his official Kwanzaa greetings from the White House: This annual celebration of African heritage, unity and culture is a ...

Government Indicts Ham Sandwich: Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty

This week, I will provide readers with a FREE excerpt from "Resistance Is Futile! How the Trump-Hating Left Lost Its Collective Mind" in order to prove that if you'd bought the ...

Bush’s Finest 30 Seconds: The Willie Horton Ad

The press in America is even worse than we imagine. We sense that they're biased and stunningly incompetent. They are those things, but so much more. Our media's version of the ...

The Deplatforming Wars, Part I: Screwed by Cox

Hello, friend! Do you happen to be on the right? Mainstream conservative, perhaps? Alt-right? Racialist right? Or just a good old-fashioned “bombs ’n’ tax breaks” neocon? ...

In Defense of Franklin Armstrong

If—like me—you were alarmed and horrified over the Thanksgiving holiday to hear that cartoonist Charles M. Schulz of Peanuts fame was an unrepentant racist, you will be ...

The True History of Millstone Babies

Having mastered fake news, now the media are trying out a little fake history. In the news business, new topics are always popping up, from the Logan Act and the emoluments ...

Cesar Sayoc

MAGAbomber Suspect: A Case of Homosexual Panic?

Amid the reams of personal information that have been released about MAGAbombing suspect Cesar Sayoc since his arrest on Friday, I have yet to find a word suggesting he’s ever ...

A Figure of Speech

I don’t much care for Mr. Donald Trump as a person. He strikes me as vain, vulgar, blustering, boastful, shameless, and fundamentally uninteresting except as a specimen of one ...

What the Bible Really Says About Homos

Claiming that homosexuality and Christianity are incompatible, Rev. Paul Kalchik—a Catholic priest from Chicago’s North Side with blazing blue eyes, eager lips, and a ...

Everyone’s Urinating on the Dossier Now!

I was minding my own business reading about Bob Woodward, the GREATEST INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER IN THE HISTORY OF OUR REPUBLIC (as he will be the first to tell you), and came across ...

Reginald Denny attack, Los Angeles

Sarah Jeong Better Drive Carefully!

If you’re worried about the social media monopolies censoring speech, just be happy they can’t put you in prison. Federal prosecutors are celebrating the one-year ...

Algodones, California

The ACLU Won’t Rest Until Every Illegal Gets In

After all the wailing about the children streaming across our wide-open, wall-less border, there was very little media interest in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on ...

Central Park Rapists: Trump Was Right

The city of New York released thousands of documents from the 1989 Central Park rape case last week, provoking more weeping and gnashing of teeth over Donald Trump’s ...

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