Thanksgiving for Dummies…Sorry, I Mean College Professors

As every contemporary school child knows, the first Thanksgiving took place in 1621, when our Pilgrim forefathers took a break from slaughtering Indigenous Peoples to invite them ...

Warmongers Fake It Till They Make It

I’m starting this week’s column on a self-indulgent note. Bear with me; I have a larger point to make. But first, let’s talk about my bloated, misshapen physique. I used to ...

The Reviled Right

In 2019, two books demanding more censorship have each devoted a chapter to portraying me as a historic villain. In the first, Angela ...

You Ask a Lot of Questions for a President

This column will explain the impeachment farce in two minutes. By the end, you will thank the media for demanding the release of Trump's phone calls with the leaders of Ukraine ...

Slavery Reparations Movement “Founder” Hated Jews, Loved Neo-Nazis

“America was born of sin.” So goes the broken-record preachifyin’ of the racial evangelists of the left. And that sin is (drum roll) racism. Just Google “racist origin ...

Morris Dees

Memory Holing Morris Dees

It’s widely assumed in thriller movies that if ever the truth is allowed to leak out about a powerful institution’s fundamental corruption, then its reputation must come ...

Flag of the Bikini Atoll


Last week, The Washington Post and the AP uncovered a racist scandal of international proportions involving that most sinister of beverages, the preferred drink of Archie Bunkers ...

The Acropolis of Athens

The Fraud Squad

Sailing in Homer’s wine-dark Aegean Sea is the best antidote I know to the brouhaha over the “Squad.” And traipsing all over the Acropolis and the marvels of antiquity makes ...

It’s an Invasion! … of Moronic Arguments

BREAKING NEWS: MASS SHOOTING IN DAYTON, OHIO, LAST SATURDAY NIGHT. (This may not be news to you, but I watch MSNBC, so I didn't find out about the Dayton massacre until ...

Robert Mueller

Mueller Has a Reputation…

It is apparently part of Robert Mueller's contract with the media that he must always be described as "honorable" and a "lifelong Republican." (After this week, we can add "dazed ...

In What Contexts Should Difficult Truths Be Told?

“Telling difficult truths,” Michael Mosbacher’s article published in Standpoint magazine on May 30, provides a good occasion for considering the value of the public-private ...

The Need for a Secular Right

Just as there are many conservative Jews for whom politics is a one-issue affair—namely, whatever is best for Israel—so there are many conservative Christians for whom ...

It Is the Left That Believes in White Male Supremacy

“Freedom is the dream you dream while putting thought in chains.” —Leopardi On May 10 The Chronicle Review published an article by Andrew Kay called “Academe’s ...

Greta Thunberg

Youth Is Wasted on the Idealists

There are several public figures from whose faces I feel compelled to avert my gaze, so irritating do I find them, among which are those of Messrs. Blair of Britain and Trudeau of ...

National Reckoning, My Eye

Okay, sports fans, get your wallets out and start giving. That’s the latest brainstorm from a New York Times columnist who makes however unconvincing a case for reparations to ...

All Hail President Javanka

While other reporters waste their time examining Donald Trump's public statements, interviewing his high school classmates and poring over legal filings, investigative reporter ...

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