Chico, CA

The Failer Strategy, Part II: Sooper Sleuths and “Great Men”

“If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?” —Anton Chigurh, No Country for Old Men Like it or not, fair or unfair, Trump is finished as ...

Liars and Maligners

I would like to think that nothing human is alien to me (as the Roman playwright and former slave Terence put it), but it is not quite true. I draw the line, for example, at rap ...

The New Normal: By Any Means Necessary

A huge question is whether the shameful and shameless tactics deployed by the Establishment against Donald Trump in 2020—censoring online media, editorializing the news, ...

Violent Victimizations

With the conventional wisdom increasingly prejudiced and extremist on the question of who are the Good Guys and who are the Bad Guys, how much longer can we expect the federal ...

Slaughter in the Cities

Establishment voices are finally, grudgingly admitting that murders and shootings are up spectacularly in 2020. But the reasons, they all agree, are immensely complicated and ...

“N-Word Science” Proves You’re a Racist!

With summer 2020 finally in the rearview mirror, and after seven months of “two weeks to flatten the curve,” I’m getting a little sick of “the science.” Not science, ...

Keeping the Government Healthy

Returning to England from France recently, I was immediately placed under quarantine, or house arrest, for two weeks, as if I harbored a dangerous contagion. I did not mind this ...

The Social Construction of Black Self-Destruction

Egged on by Joe Biden and Wisconsin governor Tony Evers, a mob of Black Lives Matter rioters has been burning down Kenosha, Wis. They are angry over the latest police shooting of ...

George Floyd: The Big Lie

Since that whole “George Floyd” thing happened in late May, the end of this month will officially mark one full season of nationwide (and, even worldwide) rioting to protest ...

Orval Faubus

Dems: The Antifa Party

-- "These soldiers are disregarding and overriding the elementary rights of American citizens by applying tactics which must have been copied from the manual issued the officers ...

It’s Dumb to Play in Traffic

While leftist extremists continue to violently tear down everything they can get their dirty mitts on throughout the nation, their enablers in the mainstream press are warning us ...

Be Careful of Answered Prayers

It has been said ad nauseam that when Uncle Sam sneezes, the English bulldog catches the flu. Emulating American rioting has caught on over here with a bang, pun intended, and it ...

Antifa’s a Laugh Riot — Until it Comes for You!

I wonder if Milo Yiannopoulos, Ben Shapiro, Charles Murray and Heather MacDonald are reacting to these antifa riots the same way I am. I mean, not that any one of us would enjoy ...

Great Moments in Racism: The Dashcam Tapes

If you were watching MSNBC last Sunday, you may have seen Imani Perry, professor of African-American studies at Princeton University, and wondered, as I did, Why do I know that ...

Bubba Smollett, Jussie Wallace

The years of antiwhite hate hysteria over nooses supposedly being planted by white racists to terrorize blacks will eventually induce some white guy to actually do it. But, ...

Yale Has to Go!

The Democratic Party is being forced into taking ridiculous positions by its insane base. Defund the police! Dishonor the flag! Throw Christopher Columbus in a lake! What a ...

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