Michael Cohen

Rat Tales

Nobody likes a rat. No one outside of his immediate family will be sad to see Michael Cohen go to prison on Monday, May 6, for three years. I thought Donald Trump’s personal ...

Sex and Sacrilege at the Met Ball

Clothes are the carriage of the soul. Like the soul, they should be well-made and un-ostentatious. No one expressed this better than Beau Brummell when he said, “It should take ...

Lady Jane Erskine

Class Rejects: A Guide to the British Aristocracy

Please accompany me along the career trajectory of my English friend Minty. She receives an expensive education at which she is careful not to excel. She then wanders the world, ...

Charles-Édouard Jeanneret-Gris known as Le Corbusier

Le Corbusier: Liar, Cheat, Thief, and Plagiarist

Some time ago, I was asked to review a vast biography of Bertolt Brecht, the German playwright and poet, by an admirer of his work. It is seldom that one reads hundreds of pages ...

Melania Trump

Human Nature’s Difficult Need for Esteem

There is a 42-year-old mother in Houston who, in her mad longing to be “the perfect woman,” has had eight plastic surgeries, a tummy tuck, a liposuction, a Brazilian butt ...

Glastonbury Campsite

Pray for Rain

In my salad days as vulgarity correspondent"€”that is to say, a reporter on the disgusting ways in which young British people so often chose to behave"€”I was sent one year to ...

Tattoo Much

Ariana Grande, of whom I had not heard until Salman Abedi killed 22 people at her "€œconcert"€ in Manchester, has had herself tattooed with a picture of a bee, a symbol of ...

Atala au tombeau, Girodet, 1808 - Musée du Louvre

The Butt of the Joke

You know you are getting old when even the judges look young; but another sign of aging is a failure to understand the humor of the young, a failure that on my part now goes back ...

Dress to Regress

What I really hate about Facebook is Mark Zuckerberg's T-shirts. Of course, his whole invention (if that is what one should call it) is an incitement to man's reprehensible ...

Mark Zuckerberg

What the Zuck?!

Who was it who said that behind every great fortune lies a great crime? The answer is a Frenchman by the name of Balzac, known as a pretty good novelist in his time. Well, is ...

Normalizing Degeneracy

Earlier this week we learned that Micah Rhodes, one of the heads of Portland's Resistance movement, is a pedophile. He was arrested for political action but then brought into ...

Beneath Paris

The French, I think, must be world champions in the production of books lamenting the state of their economy (they are also good at taking antidepressants). Occasionally, it is ...

Liam Gallagher

Checking In With Liam

I rarely buy The Sunday Times, a British newspaper with as many sections and supplements as Joseph's coat had colors. It is an unwieldy journal to read, about as convenient as ...


A Dream Wedding…for the Tabloids

The Brits are big on weddings, and Pippa is getting hitched sometime this autumn, or maybe later on, when the English weather is at its best. If any Takimag readers are not ...

On a High Note

The world is a dangerous place whose inhabitation always ends in death. Is it because or in spite of this that we enjoy scaring ourselves with imaginary dangers? We thrill at ...

European Parliament

The Dangers of Saccharine

I flew to Paris the day Brussels was bombed. It was a fine day"€”weather-wise"€”and as I looked down with a clear view on that vast and wealthy city, its millions of citizens ...

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