In Chicago, the kids aren"t all right. Graduation rates within its public schools were recently downgraded after a "statistical error" overinflated the numbers. News of shootings is a near-daily occurrence. President Trump recently dispatched federal law enforcement to help clamp down ...
Why is it that all our heroes inevitably try to kill us? From Winston Churchill to Albert Einstein, the people we laud the most were, at one point, responsible for great harm done, and not always by their own intention. "Most of the evil in this world is done by people with good ...
It's difficult to know which part of me to trust these days: my intuition or my own lying eyes. The glut of "fake news" filling the web doesn"t make it any easier. America's insatiable appetite for quick headlines and prior-confirming news feeds has made it all but impossible to ...
The millennial Master of the Universe Social Media is taking a stand for veritas in journalism. His personal playground known as Facebook just announced it will no longer allow fake news sites to use its extended ad platform, thereby cutting off revenue and exposure to outlets peddling baloney for ...
Like many, Donald Trump's stunning capture of the United States presidency caught me by surprise. I had written off his unorthodox campaign as untenable in the age of safe spaces and political correctness. How wrong I was. How beautifully wrong I was. Now that the Donald is moving out of Trump ...
I hope and pray that October 17, 2016, will be remembered as the day press credibility in America died. The Center for Public Integrity, a liberal nonprofit based in Washington, just released a report revealing that journalists have a favorite pooch in the current election fight: Hillary Clinton. ...
Get your red pill ready"the Matrix is real. At least that's what a bunch of tech nerds think. Two high-dollar Silicon Valley investors are paying scientists mondo bucks to figure out if we"re living in a computer-generated reality. The New Yorker has the scoop: Many people in Silicon ...
Don"t you love a farce? My fault, I fear I thought that you"d want what I want, sorry my dear But where are the clowns? Send in the clowns Don"t bother they"re here "Frank Sinatra, "Send in the Clowns" An epidemic of clowns has struck the nation. A report from NPR ...
I have a confession to make: I enjoy reading New York Times columnist David Brooks. (Wait, don"t hit the "back" button on your browser yet! I have a good point to make.) The eggheadish token Tory of the Gray Lady has a reputation for being a stodgy bore with a broomstick up his rear. ...
Should America fall apart (God forfend!), Jonathan Haidt will be the doom merchant who rang the alarm bell the loudest. The social psychologist just gave a remarkably prescient"and depressing"keynote speech on the state of our country heading into prime election season. Speaking before the ...