Can a white man box a black man without making everything racial? Absolutely. It’s the black boxers who can’t seem to help themselves. On Saturday night in Las Vegas, two undefeated heavyweight boxers had a rematch to settle a controversial draw from the first time they met late in ...
If you’re Scandinavian—or, more properly, if you consider yourself to be Scandinavian—then Scandinavian Airlines has made it their duty to inform you that you don’t exist. Last Tuesday, in what was essentially a slap to the 21 million faces that inhabit Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, the air ...
The oldest remains of the genus Homo were found in Tanzania near Lake Olduvai, so it’s a bit queer that Tanzania is currently so homo-hostile. Late in January, the US State Department banned Paul Makonda, Regional Commissioner of Tanzania’s capital city of Dar es Salaam, from visiting the USA. ...
A virus has emerged out of China and has spread to several countries, killing 300 people so far. Of course, the big problem here is not the threat of literal death; it’s the looming potential of people telling racist jokes about Chinese people. “Racism rears its ugly head as coronavirus fear ...
Woke Culture is the haunting fear that white people somewhere may be happy. The Super Bowl is coming up next week, and the predominantly white hordes of anti-white propagandists who won’t rest until every last white person is as miserable as they are have already found a way to spoil the ...
A fellow I know in town recently got divorced. I call him a “fellow” because it’s difficult to call him a man. He was a nice enough guy, and I suspect that was his main problem. Even pushing 50, he still was afflicted with a touch of Peter Pan Syndrome. He was deeply devoted like a young ...
When I was but a wee cup o’ broth a half-century ago in a little working-class town outside of Philadelphia, we referred to blacks as “colored people,” which to me suggested that humans are all identical Barbie and Ken dolls coming down the same assembly line until a certain group gets ...
We’ve all been trained since infancy to believe that stereotyping is wrong. We’ve also been trained—almost potty-trained—to believe that the worst possible form of stereotyping is anti-Semitism, because unless it is immediately stamped out wherever it appears, it will inevitably become a ...
Another year, another 365 days of walking, talking human headaches. Sometimes I don’t know why I simply don’t look away from it all—and then, when I can’t come up with an answer, I begin getting annoyed with myself. With the mysterious and highly suspicious exception of 2015, I’ve done ...
As Sigmund Freud famously said, sometimes an egg roll is just an egg roll. But what if it’s more than that? What if that innocent-looking egg roll symbolizes a conspiracy of malicious elites to destroy American culture and bring us all under their eternal thrall? For most normal, average, ...